my interviewee's wife and me-we become friends. (she sufferred cancer years ago and was luckily cured. both of them are now volunteers of this RELAY-nice and caring people who were once cared)

my interviewee and his wife in SL AND RL

my interviewee is showing me around-the board for the auction. his wife has just arrived. lol

my interviewee is explaining to me

showing me around

I met my interviewee-a very nice guy; volunteer of the RFL; lead of the art acution.

the square for adressing speeches

an angel with wings-hope for everyone with cancer

a small hall for discussion

I'd like to join it, too

the 3rd sculpture-a couple joining the relay together

the 2nd sculpture-a father and two children in the relay

the 1st scrulpture-a woman leading the Relay

various sub-branches for the new-comers to understand the operation of the American Cancer Society
the board for the rotation of the latest events going on
HOPE-that's the reason why we join RELAY FOR LIFE
an overal look
American Cancer Society-Relay For Life welcomes everyone who cares