[17:48] 正在连接到世界内语音聊天...
[17:48] 已连接。
[18:00] Jessie Passerine上线了。
[18:01] Charlotte Mohegan上线了。
[18:03] Mi Shinn: Hi class
[18:03] Judy Meiler: hello
[18:03] Ding Atolia: HI!
[18:03] Phoebe Isenia: Hi Emma~
[18:03] Ruby Lysios: good morning
[18:03] Judy Meiler: good morning!
[18:04] Mi Shinn: I read your blogs this morning
[18:04] Judy Meiler: Yeah!
[18:04] Charlotte Mohegan: good morning
[18:04] Mi Shinn: some of you forget to pospics
[18:04] Mi Shinn: hi Judy
[18:05] Mi Shinn: you look cool:)
[18:05] Susie223 Chun: morning~
[18:05] Object: Touched.
[18:05] Judy Meiler: yeah, I would post it later!
[18:05] Mi Shinn: I saw your SL story
[18:05] Object: Touched.
[18:05] Ruby Lysios: mine?
[18:05] Judy Meiler: me?
[18:05] Mi Shinn: Judy's
[18:05] Mi Shinn: she changed her outfits
[18:05] Judy Meiler: yes!
[18:05] Mi Shinn: in someon's home?
[18:06] Mi Shinn: where is meimei
[18:06] Mi Shinn: i did not see her story
[18:06] Mi Shinn: and this big borad belongs to ko
[18:07] Mi Shinn: he put it right here
[18:07] Judy Meiler: yes! and it is summer now, so i want to chang my outfit!
[18:07] Mi Shinn: we have beach areas around here
[18:07] Ding Atolia: haha
[18:07] Mi Shinn: maybe your group can go there later
[18:08] Charlotte Mohegan: cool
[18:08] Ding Atolia: that's amazing
[18:08] Judy Meiler: i would by a surfboard later! ha! ha!
[18:08] Mi Shinn: good ideas
[18:08] Charlotte Mohegan: it seems so cold haha maybe because I'm in a room with air condition
[18:08] Mi Shinn: aleli
[18:08] Object: Touched.
[18:09] Mi Shinn: how's your trip to Holland?
[18:09] Aleli Damiano: yes...
[18:09] Aleli Damiano: amazing....like there so much...
[18:09] Aleli Damiano: though I'm still working on my story...I did the first revision and just finished it last night...
[18:09] Mi Shinn: did you see some sext women there?
[18:10] Aleli Damiano: but the las t part it is still missing...yes..
[18:10] Mi Shinn: inside the window?
[18:10] Judy Meiler: so Miss Shinn can I go to take a picture and come back for 2 minutes.
[18:10] Mi Shinn: ok
[18:10] Judy Meiler: thanks!
[18:10] Mi Shinn: where is roxanne?
[18:10] Mi Shinn: I saw her a couple of mins ago?
[18:11] Mi Shinn: she wore a read dress?
[18:11] Mi Shinn: hi
[18:11] Aleli Damiano: I saw some on the streets...I wanted to go to the red district but for some reason they did not allow me...so I couldnt finish that part of my story
[18:11] Charlotte Mohegan: she's there
[18:11] Mi Shinn: roxanne
[18:11] Ding Atolia: there she is!
[18:11] Mi Shinn: you uploaded a new poster?
[18:11] Mi Shinn: roxanne?
[18:11] Object: Touched.
[18:12] Roxanne Kristan: yes
[18:12] Roxanne Kristan: on blogger
[18:12] Mi Shinn: we can have a small talk here
[18:12] Roxanne Kristan: ok
[18:12] Roxanne Kristan: now?
[18:12] Mi Shinn: then your group can fly to the news spots you are reporting
[18:13] Aleli Damiano: ok..
[18:13] Mi Shinn: your small group discussion will start later
[18:13] Object: Touched.
[18:13] Mi Shinn: but now we have a whole class meetings
[18:13] Object: Touched.
[18:13] Ding Atolia: ok
[18:13] Mi Shinn: just chat about the sl stories you are writing
[18:13] Mi Shinn: hi
[18:13] Mi Shinn: ko
[18:14] Mi Shinn: this is your big box
[18:14] Mi Shinn: we are standing on your big box
[18:14] Susie223 Chun: haha
[18:14] Mi Shinn: only you can edit it
[18:14] Mi Shinn: ko
[18:15] Mi Shinn: hi ko
[18:15] Mi Shinn: are you here?
[18:15] Mi Shinn: or multitasking?
[18:16] Object: Touched.
[18:17] Object: Touched.
[18:17] Mi Shinn: susie
[18:18] Mi Shinn: can you talk about yout story?
[18:18] Susie223 Chun: yes?
[18:18] Mi Shinn: your topic is particular
[18:18] Susie223 Chun: yes,my story is about political events in SL
[18:18] Object: Touched.
[18:19] Mi Shinn: yes
[18:19] Mi Shinn: a real event
[18:19] Mi Shinn: many of you write about place
[18:19] Object: Touched.
[18:19] Mi Shinn: or peopel
[18:20] Mi Shinn: but it is important to have something particular
[18:20] Mi Shinn: in the story
[18:20] Object: Touched.
[18:20] Mi Shinn: not from a tourist's perspective
[18:20] Judy Meiler: i'm back!
[18:20] Mi Shinn: but from a reporter's perspective
[18:20] Object: Touched.
[18:21] Judy Meiler: so Miss Shinn is mine ok, not like a excited tourist?
[18:21] Object: Touched.
[18:21] Mi Shinn: remember that I mentioned "environmental sensitive?"
[18:21] Susie223 Chun: I want to discribe raids and protests that happened in SL
[18:21] Mi Shinn: what triggers your exploration?
[18:22] Mi Shinn: do you take into account social, cultural, and political particularities?
[18:22] Object: Touched.
[18:23] Mi Shinn: do you observe, reflect, and write?
[18:23] Susie223 Chun: I just thought about this topic oneday and then I started to work on it
[18:23] Mi Shinn: it is a good topic
[18:24] Charlotte Mohegan: how do you start that issue? who do you looking for interview ?
[18:24] Susie223 Chun: because last time you mentioned some interesting phenomenon in SL which showed me that everything that happened in real life may happen in SL,too
[18:24] Mi Shinn: yes
[18:25] Judy Meiler: I have posted my pic now!
[18:25] Susie223 Chun: so I wondered whether terrorism can take place there
[18:26] Mi Shinn: particularity can be but needs not to be a chimera or furry that lives in this fantasy world
[18:27] Mi Shinn: imagination is important
[18:27] Mi Shinn: is g1 all here?
[18:28] Judy Meiler: nno meimei is not here yet.
[18:28] Mi Shinn: G2?
[18:28] Mi Shinn: charlott?
[18:28] Phoebe Isenia: don't know where ocean is
[18:29] Mi Shinn: are all of your group members here?
[18:29] Judy Meiler: sshe said she felt dizzy because of SL yesterday.
[18:29] Roxanne Kristan: we are only 3 here
[18:29] Mi Shinn: ko is standing behind you
[18:29] Charlotte Mohegan: haha
[18:30] Object: Touched.
[18:30] Mi Shinn: G3?
[18:30] Susie223 Chun: yes
[18:30] Susie223 Chun: we are all here
[18:30] Ruby Lysios: yes
[18:30] Ding Atolia: yes all 4
[18:30] Jessie Passerine: yes
[18:31] Mi Shinn: G3
[18:31] Ding Atolia: yes?
[18:31] Susie223 Chun: yes?
[18:31] Mi Shinn: you forgot to post last week's class discussion
[18:31] Ruby Lysios: you mean in class blog?
[18:32] Ruby Lysios: ok, maybe we will take a picture later
[18:32] Mi Shinn: ko
[18:32] Mi Shinn: why are you standing over there?
[18:32] Mi Shinn: susie and jessie
[18:32] Mi Shinn: you look like twin sisters
[18:33] Jessie Passerine: haha
[18:33] Jessie Passerine: besides I'm bowed
[18:33] Mi Shinn: bold?
[18:33] Susie223 Chun: hahaha
[18:33] Jessie Passerine: bold
[18:34] Jessie Passerine: XD
[18:34] Mi Shinn: ok
[18:34] Mi Shinn: now I will have small group discuss your news
[18:34] Mi Shinn: remember to take different roles
[18:34] Charlotte Mohegan: ok
[18:34] Susie223 Chun: ok
[18:34] Roxanne Kristan: ok
[18:34] Jessie Passerine: OK
[18:34] Mi Shinn: any questions?
[18:34] Judy Meiler: ok, but we only have three people.
[18:34] Ding Atolia: no
[18:35] Charlotte Mohegan: group2 ,let find the bach!
[18:35] Mi Shinn: Judy
[18:35] Mi Shinn: can you call meimei?
[18:35] Judy Meiler: yes!
[18:35] Susie223 Chun: G3,shall we leave now?
[18:35] Judy Meiler: yes , but she didn't get my call!
[18:35] Ruby Lysios: ok
[18:35] Jessie Passerine: OK
[18:35] Mi Shinn: then three of you can discuss
[18:36] Judy Meiler: OK!
[18:36] Aleli Damiano: where do we go Judy>
[18:36] Mi Shinn: the writer plays the role of organizer
[18:36] Mi Shinn: you post the comments from the reader and editor
[18:36] Judy Meiler: have u guys an7 idea?
[18:36] Mi Shinn: as I show you in the syllabus
[18:36] Aleli Damiano: no, wanna go to the beach too?
[18:36] Jessie Passerine: YES !
[18:36] Ruby Lysios: haha
[18:37] Ruby Lysios: i shop in the sl and get free
[18:37] Jessie Passerine: WOW~ THX
[18:37] Susie223 Chun: where did you get the stuff?
[18:37] Ding Atolia: Ruby your clothes are shining
[18:37] Mi Shinn: ko
[18:37] Aleli Damiano: ok...then...who will start?
[18:37] Aleli Damiano: why not?
[18:38] Ruby Lysios: thanks
[18:38] Mi Shinn: you should go with your group members
[18:38] Mi Shinn: be back at 11:30
[18:38] Meredith Rhosar: because that's a private island
[18:38] Aleli Damiano: ok...
[18:38] Ruby Lysios: so we discusse here?
[18:38] Ruby Lysios: by the way
[18:38] Mi Shinn: I saw your poster btw
[18:38] Ruby Lysios: we take picture first
[18:38] Susie223 Chun: ok
[18:38] Mi Shinn: glad you made it
[18:38] Aleli Damiano: really? and how u get there?
[18:38] Meredith Rhosar: mine?
[18:38] Meredith Rhosar: haha thank you:)
[18:38] Ruby Lysios: or you want another kind of hair
[18:38] Meredith Rhosar: they invite me to
[18:39] Mi Shinn: ko
[18:39] Susie223 Chun: shall we move a little bit further?
[18:39] Mi Shinn: r you still here?
[18:39] Susie223 Chun: so we won't be disturbed
[18:39] Ruby Lysios: ok
[18:39] Jessie Passerine: HAHA ..LET's get started
[18:39] Mi Shinn: any question?
[18:39] Ruby Lysios: can we go the the farm?
[18:39] Susie223 Chun: ok
[18:39] Mi Shinn: ruby
[18:40] Ruby Lysios: let have a seat
[18:40] Ruby Lysios: haha
[18:40] Ruby Lysios: i enjoy second life very much now
[18:40] Susie223 Chun: haha ,J , you new hair is cool
[18:40] Jessie Passerine: XD
[18:40] Ding Atolia: J have a seat
[18:40] Ruby Lysios: and find new interesting things that help me relax
[18:41] Lucky Board: This prize wasn't claimed... so let's try a new magic letter.
[18:41] Lucky Board: Next Prize: breeding coop
[18:41] Lucky Board: Looking for a winner whose name begins with.... Z.
[18:41] Susie223 Chun: ok
[18:41] Ding Atolia: you two really look like twins or partners
[18:41] Ding Atolia: hhaha
[18:41] Jessie Passerine: who's the first?
[18:42] Susie223 Chun: haha , we share same preference about appearence
[18:42] Ding Atolia: yes
[18:42] Jessie Passerine: we are twins~
[18:42] Jessie Passerine: XD
[18:42] Ruby Lysios: haha
[18:42] Ding Atolia: how did you get the hair
[18:42] Susie223 Chun: from R?
[18:42] Ding Atolia: ok
[18:42] Jessie Passerine: OK let's get started on our task~
[18:42] Ruby Lysios: ding do you also want?
[18:42] Susie223 Chun: ok
[18:43] Ding Atolia: yes
[18:43] Susie223 Chun: who will be the first one?
[18:43] Ding Atolia: i am bold too
[18:43] Susie223 Chun: haha
[18:43] Jessie Passerine: then how about susie being the first one?
[18:43] Susie223 Chun: ok
[18:44] Susie223 Chun: editor?reader?org?
[18:44] Jessie Passerine: and i will be org
[18:44] Susie223 Chun: ok
[18:44] Ding Atolia: reader
[18:44] Ruby Lysios: i would be editor
[18:44] Ruby Lysios: ok
[18:44] Jessie Passerine: so~
[18:44] Ding Atolia: give us a link
[18:44] Susie223 Chun 大喊: http://sunnyolive.blogspot.com/
[18:45] Susie223 Chun: you want some time to read my article?
[18:46] Ding Atolia: yes
[18:46] Susie223 Chun: ok~
[18:48] Susie223 Chun: I have found some grammar mistakes myself,hah
[18:48] Ding Atolia: it's interesting
[18:48] Ruby Lysios: i am courious about what your inspiration come from
[18:48] Ruby Lysios: is the resource first-hand?
[18:49] Ding Atolia: the beginning part caught my eyes
[18:49] Ruby Lysios: on july 17, 2008
[18:49] Ruby Lysios gave you Female City Hair (Black).
[18:49] Susie223 Chun: no,haha,I mean I wasn't lucky enough to be part of those events,haha
[18:50] Ruby Lysios: because you are not a second life user at that time
[18:50] johnnyoldsmobile Adamczyk: what the hell are you ppl doing on my land... setting objects out here too?
[18:50] Ding Atolia: is this your land? we are sorry
[18:50] Susie223 Chun: er...what's up?
[18:51] johnnyoldsmobile Adamczyk: who elses is it?
[18:51] johnnyoldsmobile Adamczyk: not yours thats for sure
[18:51] Ruby Lysios: sorry
[18:51] Ding Atolia: sorry we didn't know
[18:51] Susie223 Chun: sorry
[18:51] Ruby Lysios: oh my god
[18:51] Jessie Passerine: sorry we 're leaving
[18:51] johnnyoldsmobile Adamczyk: you know itsa not yours.. so why set shit here?
[18:52] Ding Atolia: you don't have to be so rude
[18:52] Ding Atolia: we said we were sorry
[18:52] Ruby Lysios: we don't know it is a private space
[18:52] Ruby Lysios: sorry
[18:52] Jessie Passerine: gus let's go
[18:52] Ding Atolia: let's leave here
[18:52] johnnyoldsmobile Adamczyk: what the hell
[18:52] johnnyoldsmobile Adamczyk: now all my shit gets returned?
[18:53] Ruby Lysios: here?
[18:53] Susie223 Chun: ok
[18:53] Ruby Lysios: i was terrified
[18:53] Ding Atolia: I begin to feel the power of SL
[18:53] Ruby Lysios gave you Female City Hair (Black).
[18:53] Ruby Lysios: strange experience
[18:54] Jessie Passerine: interesting experience~
[18:54] Ruby Lysios: haha
[18:54] Ruby Lysios: It holds the opinion that every significant issue should be determined by the residents instead of by the Lindex Laboratory.
[18:54] Susie223 Chun: ok, never mind
[18:54] Jessie Passerine: let's continue
[18:54] Ruby Lysios: is it Liden or Lindex?
[18:54] Susie223 Chun: Linden
[18:54] Susie223 Chun: let me check it later
[18:55] Susie223 Chun: I also forget, that's a spelling mistake
[18:55] Ruby Lysios: Protestor even attacked customers to prohibit the deal. At last, the owner of the mansion had to modify the script to stop the incident.
[18:55] Ding Atolia: i think the later part of your story is a little messy
[18:55] Ruby Lysios: should be protester
[18:55] Ding Atolia: you may divide it into several parts
[18:55] Susie223 Chun: I C
[18:55] Ruby Lysios: and maybe you should use plural
[18:56] Susie223 Chun: got it
[18:57] Susie223 Chun: anything else?
[18:58] Jessie Passerine: how does the reader see the story?
[18:58] Jessie Passerine: ding?
[18:58] Ding Atolia: list several eye-catching events and then give us a general picture
[18:59] Ding Atolia: what all these political event mean in Sl
[18:59] Ruby Lysios: becausr i still don't quite understand
[18:59] Susie223 Chun: what?
[18:59] Ruby Lysios: what happen absolutely
[18:59] Ding Atolia: what's different from reality
[19:00] Ding Atolia: the unique sides about SL's in terms of its culture
[19:00] Ding Atolia: it's my opinion
[19:00] Susie223 Chun: ok
[19:00] Ruby Lysios: i want know people's reflection no matter in second life or reality
[19:01] Susie223 Chun: it's hard to say reflection in reality because lots of people even don't konw that this kind of issue can happen in SL
[19:02] Susie223 Chun: know,sorry
[19:02] Ruby Lysios: like we don't know
[19:02] Ruby Lysios: utill you write the news
[19:02] Ruby Lysios: ok~
[19:03] Susie223 Chun: So it's more like a introduction:)
[19:03] Susie223 Chun: a brief discription
[19:03] Ruby Lysios: ok
[19:04] Susie223 Chun: because politics is a very complex issue,if you want to explain it clearly, 400 words are far from enough
[19:04] Susie223 Chun: what are you doing,ding?
[19:04] Ding Atolia: why am i flying
[19:05] Ruby Lysios: haha
[19:05] Susie223 Chun: you are a spider girl,haha
[19:05] Susie223 Chun: come here,D
[19:06] Jessie Passerine: come and join us
[19:06] Susie223 Chun: so, anything else?
[19:06] Ding Atolia: sorry, just lost control
[19:07] Susie223 Chun: haha,never mind
[19:07] Susie223 Chun: any other question?
[19:08] Ruby Lysios: no~
[19:08] Susie223 Chun: J?D?
[19:08] Ding Atolia: no
[19:08] Ruby Lysios: so who will be the next one
[19:08] Susie223 Chun: ok
[19:08] Ding Atolia: i think we've done here
[19:09] Susie223 Chun: I will be the editor this time:)
[19:09] Susie223 Chun: D?
[19:09] Jessie Passerine: then i'll be the next one
[19:09] Ding Atolia: let's talk about my story
[19:09] Ruby Lysios: sorry, i found that i couldn't post the msn dialogue to the blogger
[19:09] Ding Atolia: oh ok
[19:09] Susie223 Chun: D?
[19:09] Jessie Passerine: ok d's
[19:09] Susie223 Chun: ok
[19:09] Ding Atolia: ok
[19:09] Susie223 Chun: so give us a link
[19:09] Ding Atolia: sonny5258@blogspot.com
[19:10] Jessie Passerine: it's an account>.<
[19:10] Susie223 Chun: terrorists may take advantage of the game to handle funding, distribute radical ideas or expand their organizations
[19:10] Susie223 Chun: sorry
[19:10] Susie223 Chun: http://sonny5258.blogspot.com/2010/04/cannot-afford-house-in-real-life-buy.html
[19:11] Ding Atolia: it's a link
[19:11] Ding Atolia: sorry sonny5258.blogspot.com
[19:11] Ding Atolia: my story is so short...
[19:12] Jessie Passerine: i'll be the reader
[19:12] Ding Atolia: i want to focus on the good sides about the land issue in sl
[19:12] Ding Atolia: compared with reality
[19:13] Susie223 Chun: Many middle-class people who have worked fiercely for about 20 years get shocked when seeing their dreams of buying a new house breaking down
[19:13] Susie223 Chun: maybe break down?
[19:14] Ding Atolia: but i don't think I have expressed what I intended to say
[19:14] Ding Atolia: ok
[19:14] Ding Atolia: and i am really lacking in the background information about the land in sl
[19:15] Jessie Passerine: well , after reading the article. I think buying an house in second life does not actually helo the situation in reality
[19:15] Ding Atolia: so what are the aspects are you guys interested in land in sl or house?
[19:15] Jessie Passerine: it just offerred an escape temporaly
[19:15] Ding Atolia: haha good point
[19:15] Jessie Passerine: in reality you still cannot afford a house
[19:16] Ding Atolia: I think I can add it to my story
[19:16] Jessie Passerine: haha XD
[19:16] Ding Atolia: and change my focus
[19:16] Ding Atolia: not just the good sides but bojectively
[19:17] Ding Atolia: ruby
[19:17] Jessie Passerine: and the first time i saw the title, I thought it was an add from the game
[19:17] Ding Atolia: do you know more about the house building thing in sl?
[19:17] Susie223 Chun: haha
[19:18] Susie223 Chun: actually it's a good way to escape from reality
[19:18] Ruby Lysios: The past two decades has witnessed an ever-growing rate in the house price. i think the grammar is strange
[19:19] Susie223 Chun: not only buying houses or lands, but also the whole game
[19:19] Ruby Lysios: you might add the subject "we"
[19:19] Susie223 Chun: it's not strange, I think
[19:20] Ding Atolia: I think it's a sentence structure
[19:20] Susie223 Chun: because I once saw a similar grammar in a film
[19:20] Ruby Lysios: allright
[19:21] Ruby Lysios: it is a retreat for people in real life; they might but a resort and take vacation there
[19:22] Ruby Lysios: i want to make money
[19:22] Ding Atolia: yeah
[19:22] Ruby Lysios: could we pay mortage to buy house
[19:22] Ding Atolia: haha. i am also interested
[19:22] Ding Atolia: probably not
[19:22] Ruby Lysios: down payment
[19:22] Ruby Lysios: really?
[19:22] Ding Atolia: ...
[19:22] Ding Atolia: i am not sure
[19:22] Ruby Lysios: maybe you could search
[19:22] Ding Atolia: ha
[19:23] Ding Atolia: ok
[19:23] Ruby Lysios: and you could encourage everyone has his palace one day
[19:24] Ding Atolia: haha we are all princesses
[19:24] Susie223 Chun: I want to try decoration in SL,XD
[19:24] Ding Atolia: yeah i think i need to search these kinds of information more
[19:24] Ding Atolia: and show them in my revision
[19:24] Ruby Lysios: and you could also kick out the person that you don't want
[19:24] Susie223 Chun: maybe you can interview some peole
[19:25] Ruby Lysios: become a master of the land
[19:25] Jessie Passerine: haha~
[19:25] Ding Atolia: yeah someone who has owned one
[19:25] Ding Atolia: just like the guy we just met
[19:25] Ruby Lysios: yes! you could add them friends
[19:25] Jessie Passerine: so ding~ how to build a house?
[19:25] Ding Atolia: who drove away
[19:26] Susie223 Chun: it's not difficlut to find someone with excellent decoration
[19:26] Ding Atolia: i think he is really into his land though he is so rude...
[19:26] Ruby Lysios: maybe you could go shopping and buy some furniture
[19:26] Ding Atolia: sorry, J, i am not sure either
[19:27] Ding Atolia: i will search more
[19:27] Ding Atolia: is there a second-hand store in sl
[19:27] Ding Atolia: i mean second-hand stores haha there must be some
[19:28] Ding Atolia: so we can save money
[19:28] Susie223 Chun: yes ,there should be
[19:28] Ruby Lysios: but people may nor know if the thing is used
[19:28] Ruby Lysios: that makes no difference
[19:28] Jessie Passerine: ok~ your essay aroused my curiosity in buying and building houses in sl. maybe you can add it in your story
[19:29] Jessie Passerine: some further information
[19:29] Ruby Lysios: i expect to know too
[19:29] Ding Atolia: you mean in sl, we cannot check an object-whether it's new or old
[19:29] Ding Atolia: ?
[19:29] Ding Atolia: ok, I will do it
[19:29] Ruby Lysios: whether it's new or old makes no difference
[19:29] Susie223 Chun: yes, they are all virtual
[19:29] Ruby Lysios: people might not aware of that
[19:29] Ding Atolia: ooooooh
[19:30] Ding Atolia: so the second-hand stores are useless
[19:30] Ding Atolia: haha
[19:31] Ding Atolia: maybe we should call it throw-away stores-things other people don't want anymore but useful to other people
[19:31] Ding Atolia: not throw-away exactly haha
[19:32] Ruby Lysios: and maybe you could sell the things you do not want and make money
[19:32] Ding Atolia: yeah that's what I mean
[19:32] Ding Atolia: so all advice taken and i will make more efforts ha
[19:32] Susie223 Chun: I see your point
[19:32] Ding Atolia: any other suggestions?
[19:33] Susie223 Chun: no
[19:33] Ruby Lysios: no
[19:33] Ding Atolia: or can we take a break now or at 11:00
[19:33] Ding Atolia: 10:50
[19:33] Ding Atolia: I think we can take a break now
[19:33] Ruby Lysios: i will be ok
[19:33] Ruby Lysios: ok
[19:33] Susie223 Chun: ok
[19:33] Ding Atolia: ok
[19:34] Ding Atolia: 11 minutes
[19:34] Jessie Passerine: ok
[19:34] Ding Atolia: come back at 10:45
[19:46] Ding Atolia: we should continue now?
[19:46] Ding Atolia: haha 11minutes is so short
[19:47] Susie223 Chun: back now
[19:47] Jessie Passerine: back
[19:47] Susie223 Chun: who will be the next one>?
[19:47] Ruby Lysios: ok
[19:47] Susie223 Chun: I'll be the org this time.haha
[19:48] Ruby Lysios: i could be the nexy
[19:48] Ruby Lysios: next
[19:48] Susie223 Chun: ok
[19:48] Jessie Passerine: ok
[19:48] Ding Atolia: I will be editor
[19:48] Susie223 Chun: link?
[19:48] Jessie Passerine: and i'm the editor
[19:48] Ruby Lysios: http://monkeyyaya.blogspot.com/
[19:49] Ruby Lysios: my topic is abour sex
[19:49] Ruby Lysios: about
[19:50] Susie223 Chun: Qoq
[19:50] Mi Shinn: afk
[19:50] Ruby Lysios: want?
[19:51] Ruby Lysios: i want to think another title because it's so normal
[19:51] Ruby Lysios: i should add "a" person
[19:51] Ding Atolia: wow~ your own experience is so...
[19:51] Ruby Lysios: haha
[19:51] Ding Atolia: hhaha
[19:52] Jessie Passerine: I visit “The Trister gay bar” and find it is very incredible and surprising
[19:52] Jessie Passerine: in this setence , maybe past tense would be properer
[19:53] Ruby Lysios: ok~
[19:53] Ding Atolia: yeah
[19:53] Jessie Passerine: because it's something you have done
[19:53] Ding Atolia: use past tense to tell a past story-that's what i learned from my last TW story
[19:54] Ruby Lysios: so should i use past tense in all that paragraph?
[19:54] Ding Atolia: we have no choice but become and ask to behave like a man or woman
[19:54] Ding Atolia: and is asked to
[19:55] Ruby Lysios: ok
[19:55] Ruby Lysios: thanks
[19:55] Jessie Passerine: ding
[19:55] Ding Atolia: yes?
[19:55] Jessie Passerine: this time i should be the editor
[19:55] Ding Atolia: a? oooh
[19:56] Ding Atolia: so I am orger
[19:56] Jessie Passerine: or i 'll have to be a reader twice
[19:56] Ding Atolia: ok
[19:56] Jessie Passerine: i'm editor~
[19:56] Jessie Passerine: XD
[19:56] Susie223 Chun: I will be the reader this time
[19:57] Ding Atolia: the structure is not that well-ordered i think
[19:57] Ding Atolia: jumping from sl to reality
[19:57] Ding Atolia: i think after the introduction
[19:58] Ding Atolia: you can show your experience
[19:58] Ding Atolia: and then basing on the story to talk about more
[19:58] Ding Atolia: through comparison
[19:58] Ruby Lysios: ok~i will reorganise the news
[19:59] Ding Atolia: i am curious about one thing
[19:59] Jessie Passerine: this article is a general desciption of sex and also personal expience in second life . but I think that's not enough
[20:00] Ding Atolia: are all the people in sl really so open
[20:00] Jessie Passerine: while comparing feelings about virtual and reality
[20:00] Ruby Lysios: you mean the people in gay bar
[20:00] Ding Atolia: and there are no moral issue involved?
[20:00] Ruby Lysios: i think people become open because the environment
[20:01] Jessie Passerine: people would always be willing to know how different exactly it feels
[20:01] Ruby Lysios: like we might not be naked now
[20:01] Ding Atolia: oh, i see, interesting
[20:01] Ruby Lysios: you mean compare the gay bar people in virtual and real life?
[20:01] Jessie Passerine: maybe adding some other ppl's feelings about sex in sl will be better
[20:01] Jessie Passerine: for example
[20:02] Ruby Lysios: i could interview people in gay bar, but i'm a little shy
[20:02] Jessie Passerine: can they really get an organsm or something by doing it in sl?
[20:02] Jessie Passerine: haha~
[20:02] Ruby Lysios: yes!
[20:02] Jessie Passerine: go ahead and interview them~
[20:03] Ruby Lysios: they will have movement and get excited
[20:03] Ding Atolia: haha it's becoming more and more funny
[20:03] Ruby Lysios: just like watching porn
[20:03] Ruby Lysios: but you are the main character
[20:03] Jessie Passerine: wow~ that's propably what you can add in your story
[20:03] Ruby Lysios: i already add
[20:04] Ruby Lysios: i seems i should be brave and interview them
[20:04] Ruby Lysios: it
[20:04] Ruby Lysios: ask about their feeling?
[20:04] Jessie Passerine: yes~
[20:05] Jessie Passerine: why do they like to do it in sl
[20:05] Ruby Lysios: ok~joe will encourage us to do si
[20:05] Ruby Lysios: so
[20:05] Jessie Passerine: and what kind of sex do they prefer
[20:05] Ruby Lysios: because in real life, it couldn't happen
[20:05] Jessie Passerine: something like that
[20:05] Jessie Passerine: haha~
[20:05] Jessie Passerine: XD
[20:05] Ruby Lysios: all kinds of sex could happen in sl, including sm
[20:06] Jessie Passerine: haha~ great~
[20:06] Ruby Lysios: ok! anything you are curious about, maybe i could ask, haha
[20:07] Jessie Passerine: prostitution!
[20:07] Jessie Passerine: are there any?
[20:08] Ruby Lysios: ?
[20:08] Susie223 Chun: no
[20:08] Jessie Passerine: becuase it's easy to find someone to have sex with in sl
[20:09] Jessie Passerine: is prostitution an industry in sl?
[20:09] Ruby Lysios: i think it exists
[20:09] Ding Atolia: hahha
[20:09] Ruby Lysios: so people could get money
[20:10] Ruby Lysios: ding, don't you want to but a house
[20:10] Ruby Lysios: buy
[20:10] Ding Atolia: yes!
[20:10] Roxanne Kristan: mi shinn
[20:10] Ruby Lysios: that's the quickiest way to get money
[20:10] Ding Atolia: so you want to suggest me to be a p
[20:10] Ding Atolia: ?
[20:10] Ding Atolia: hahha
[20:10] Roxanne Kristan: can we teleport to other places
[20:10] Ruby Lysios: haha
[20:10] Susie223 Chun: shall we move to the next one?
[20:10] Roxanne Kristan: and come back at 11:30
[20:10] Susie223 Chun: only 20minutes left
[20:10] Ruby Lysios: ok
[20:11] Susie223 Chun: so,J?
[20:11] Susie223 Chun: I'll be the reader this time
[20:11] Ding Atolia: I am the editor
[20:11] Jessie Passerine: http://jessieelsewhere.blogspot.com/2010/05/drugs-in-second-life.html
[20:12] Roxanne Kristan: phoebe
[20:12] Phoebe Isenia: yes
[20:12] Ruby Lysios: your news is related to mine, i think
[20:12] Roxanne Kristan: i want to teleport to other place
[20:12] Mi Shinn: ok
[20:12] Phoebe Isenia: do u want to carry me
[20:12] Mi Shinn: be back at 11:30
[20:12] Roxanne Kristan: ok
[20:12] Ruby Lysios: having sex with people is also free and legal
[20:13] Phoebe Isenia: yes
[20:13] Ding Atolia: Being at your high not only happens in real life, but virtual world.
[20:13] Roxanne Kristan: hey
[20:13] Roxanne Kristan: we talk there ok
[20:13] Ding Atolia: is there a phase "be at high"?
[20:13] Ding Atolia: i am not sure
[20:13] Phoebe Isenia: hey
[20:13] Ding Atolia: i think just "be high" is ok
[20:13] Phoebe Isenia: we haven't taken a pic
[20:14] Mi Shinn: yes
[20:14] Ruby Lysios: you have some spelling errors
[20:14] Mi Shinn: your group needs to post group pics and news titles on the class blog
[20:14] Susie223 Chun: why are they interested in taking drugs in SL?
[20:14] Susie223 Chun: I mean it makes no differences ,you can't feel anything
[20:14] Mi Shinn: for your last week's Sl discussion and this week's discussions
[20:15] Mi Shinn: just news titles and pics
[20:15] Ruby Lysios: i guess it it's an escape from real life
[20:15] Mi Shinn: you can post transcripts on your personal blogs
[20:15] Ruby Lysios: something you couldn't do in reality because we are supressed
[20:15] Mi Shinn: also email me the whole discussion transcripts
[20:15] Ruby Lysios: but you can do in sl and nobody will interfere you
[20:16] Susie223 Chun: it makes no difference whether you take drugs or just normal medicine
[20:16] Susie223 Chun: maybe that's one reason
[20:16] Jessie Passerine: maybe it's just out of curiosity towards drugs
[20:16] Phoebe Isenia: let's make a pose
[20:16] Ding Atolia: routine
[20:16] Phoebe Isenia: but charlotte's pose
[20:17] Phoebe Isenia: hahahahaha
[20:17] Ruby Lysios: yes!you could also interview people there like me
[20:17] Roxanne Kristan: fall asleep
[20:17] Ruby Lysios: our dialogue is mixed with others
[20:17] Jessie Passerine: haha~ok~
[20:17] Jessie Passerine: right
[20:17] Ding Atolia: Buying drugs in second life is legal and free, and the same thing goes with sex industry there, that is probably part of the reason why this game got popular.
[20:17] Susie223 Chun: I think you can interview some people who have taken drugs in SL
[20:18] Ding Atolia: the sentence is not grammatical
[20:18] Roxanne Kristan: she is away
[20:18] Roxanne Kristan: how to take pic
[20:18] Roxanne Kristan: her face is down
[20:18] Susie223 Chun: ask them about why they took drugs and how did they feel
[20:18] Phoebe Isenia: me too
[20:18] Phoebe Isenia: i know how to take
[20:19] Ding Atolia: may be change "that" to "which"
[20:19] Phoebe Isenia: but i don't know how to make my face turn to the lence
[20:19] Jessie Passerine: ic~
[20:19] Jessie Passerine: thx
[20:20] Ding Atolia: the past tense and present tense are mixed
[20:20] Ruby Lysios: and i think some young users would feel curious in drugs and sex, but in real life they couldn't do that because of moral issues
[20:20] Ding Atolia: you may need to check that
[20:20] Jessie Passerine: ok
[20:21] Ruby Lysios: maybe some conservatives would say we should ban laws in sl!!!
[20:21] Ruby Lysios: just a joke
[20:21] Ruby Lysios: it is impossible
[20:21] Jessie Passerine: no way~
[20:21] Jessie Passerine: XD
[20:22] Ruby Lysios: if it is banned in the second life, then the third life game will come up
[20:22] Susie223 Chun: did drugs cause any problem in SL?
[20:23] Ruby Lysios: burglary? prostitue?
[20:23] Ding Atolia: haha
[20:23] Ding Atolia: prostitute again
[20:24] Ruby Lysios: maybe just go interview
[20:24] Ruby Lysios: i think it's very interesting
[20:25] Ruby Lysios: maybe i couls go with you, haha
[20:25] Jessie Passerine: haha~
[20:25] Susie223 Chun: yes,that could be attractive
[20:26] Ruby Lysios: five minutes left
[20:28] Ding Atolia: so I'm going to keep all our conversation and post it
[20:28] Ding Atolia: on our personal blog or?
[20:28] Ding Atolia: and email to the teacher
[20:28] Susie223 Chun: ok,THX
[20:28] Ruby Lysios: maybe we could ask the teacher later
[20:28] Ding Atolia: and one more thing-I don't how to add the link to the headlines so
[20:28] Susie223 Chun: personal?I think
[20:29] Susie223 Chun: I will help you
[20:29] Ding Atolia: you three may take care of that part
[20:29] Ding Atolia: ok
[20:29] Susie223 Chun: ok
[20:30] Ding Atolia: so we've done here