G3 Final project---progress report
Progress Report of the Final Project
G3. Jessie, Ruby, Susie, Sonny
G3. Jessie, Ruby, Susie, Sonny
I. Building up a topic
Our group is curious about what the transgender situation is like in SL: is it a paradise for transgender? What kinds of people in reality enjoy being transgender in SL? What can they get from SL? These series of questions aroused our interest to be engaged in a research project about transgender in SL.
Topic: We assume that SL prepares transgender in reality for a better live, so we want to find out whether it is true or not. If it is true, in what aspects?
II. First draft of the research questions:
Subtopic I: the reasons they choose to be transgender in SL
1. Do you choose to be transgender out of fun or interest?
2. Are you led by others to come here or by yourself?
3. If it is out of fun, what fun can you get from it?
Subtopic II: comparison of transgender culture in SL & RL
1. What do you think about the present transgender situations in RL?
2. What do you think about the present transgender situations in SL?
3. What are your daily activities in SL?
4. Apart from the activities here, do you take part in other activities with people who are not transgender?
Subtopic III: existing problems
1. Have you ever encountered any kind of embarrassment because of who you are now?
2. What’s your reaction towards those embarrassments?
III. Role plays conducted to see if the research questions can work out
Two groups: A. Susie and Sonny
B. Jessie and Ruby
After the role plays, we found that there are many problems about our questions, so we revise it into the following edition.
Places: transgender clubs
Step 1: self-introduction & small talk to get familiar with the interviewee
Step 2: ask for basic information about the interviewee
Step 3: bringing up our topic
Subtopic a: comparison of transgender culture in SL & RL
1. What do you think about the present transgender situations in RL?
2. What do you think about the present transgender situations in SL?
3. What are your daily activities in SL?
4. Apart from the activities here, do you take part in other activities with people who are not transgender?
Subtopic b: in what aspects does SL prepare transgender for better living in RL?
Subtopic c: existing problems
1. Have you ever encountered any kind of embarrassment because of who you are now?
2. What’s your reaction towards those embarrassments?
IV. Interviews conducted
V. Conclusions so far
Mnemi Falodir: I am TG in real life; but I won’t emphasize and say I’m also a TG in SL. Of course, I feel more relaxed in TG Resources or some clubs because I could meet friends they are the same as me and get some advice.
Belunar Drake: I am a MTF person, hermaphrodite mentally and spiritually. If your looking at SL instead of TG, that’s a bit different…I consider SL to be a way to socialise, a way to be creative when the mood strikes, maybe at times a way to relax when I’m not in the mood to play computer or console games…I feel more accepted here than I do IRL at times; people seem less likely to judge here than RL. Sometimes I feel that it is because the average person on this planet is ignorant, closed minded, intolerant of anything outside of average.
Mnemi Falodir: I am essentially a woman who unfortunately was born male genetically. Real life is often tough on us, more so than the so called average public. We are an unaccepted unique class of people which are often wrongfully treated. SL we can be who we were meant to without ever receiving the hardships. Plus, if someone has an issue with me, I love the ability to mute. I am accepted here, irl people would rather I not exist. The majority of us just wanna be seen as normal, feel normal, society doesn't want that. TG is a term for all people with gender related issues not trans specifically. It's not how someone will look at me, so much is how I am treated and potentially abused. In my case my unacceptance by which my family refuses to accept what is and their attempt to "cure" the virus. Imagine if someone were to tell you, you were a guy, and you had to marry a woman, be a man, join the military, or be casted out.
Interviewees: YinYang Winterwolf, Laceybabe Landar, Tiffany Kohime, Ashley Lynch
Personal conclusion: SL has been both a shelter and a way to work out for reality for transgender like one of my interviewee said: “I love being female in SL it helps me deal with not being female in RL.” And for some transgender who have met great pressure in RL, SL is really a Second Life for them. Besides, SL is also nice that it provides a safe and diverse platform for transgender to gather and share their feelings, happiness or sorrow, and find friends to work problems out together.
First interviewee: Kimberly Bluxome
gender: mentally female and physically male
Kimberly Bluxome worked in a dance club in SL. It'a not a transgender club. Some trans work there, but Kimberly doesn't think any of the trans are open. She is a tran in RL too and doesn't think it's funnier in SL. Not everyone likes tran even in SL. It depends on where you live. Most of the trans she knows either just hang out with other trans, or they aren't open about it, just like in rl. However, she admitted that being trans in SL is cheaper and easier. Trans doesn't have to pay for hormones, doctor visits or psychiatry. You can just choose the gender and the beautiful clothes you like.
Second interviewee:Liriel Aonifall
Liriel Aonifall isn't a trans but a lesbian.She has a trans girlfriend,which means her girlfriend is a "shemale",that's what they call the trans who are mentally female but physically male.She doesn't have many trans friends and they just open their gender to some close friends, just as in RL.What's more,they are all real trans in RL.Liriel Aonifall doesn't have prejudice on those trans,actually she enjoys having fun with them.
Third interviewee:Bobby Blackcinder
gender:mentally female and physically male,crosdresser, married
Bobby Blackcinder is a crosdresser in RL.She loves women's clothes and thought herself both male and female.She's had many years of presenting male, but at last she realized that she have many females traits .She cross dresses partially every day as often as possible, but not full dress hardly ever.She is afraid of being found as a trans only for the consequences beyond embarrassment.She is a boss and has some employees.She hates to lose their respect.She spend much time on SL unless she is bored or tired, or more frequenlty, when she has things to do in RL.At first she wanted to use a male body in SL, and dress it in woman's clothes,but she gave up that plan after she created an ugly avatar.Bobby is very friendly in SL."I just greet everyone I meet, you never know until you talk to people."But sometimes she met embarrasment with her gender because some people thought she is a totally female.In order to be honest,she marked her physically gender as "male".But things don't go well in RL because her wife is completely against it and she doesn't tell her that she's a cross dresser before they married."It's a tough line to walk."she said.
In reality, TG groups are usually confronted with misunderstanding and contempt. From the interviewees’ words, we can see that they are all usually under great pressure and hiding their identity and interest. While second life provided a virtual world where nobody knows your real identity, TG groups can enjoy a lot of different activities according to their interests. Although second life is a safer place to talk about and realize one’s own interests, TG groups are still very careful with their words and interaction with other people, in case their identity in real life would be found out or something else.
Bobby: I’m a crossdressing male in RL, a female in SL. I"m married, an unwilling participant. I love women's clothes, and wear women’s underdress everyday.I’m afraid of being found of wearing women's underdress, because it would be hard to work.They can’t fire me. I’m a boss. I have some fun with other people in SL, but not many CDs that aren't Transgender.I spend a lot of time in SL everyday. In SL,I dress just as I like and explore the feminine side that I didn't realize I had much of. In SL ,lots of pretenses dropped.I don't desire male body, and they can’t arouse me.
So far, we have being proving our assumption that SL does provide a safe and diverse platform for transgender to deal with real life better.
my interview part
The 1st one:
[20:23] Ding Atolia: Hello, Sophia
[20:23] Ding Atolia: Hello, Yinyang
[20:24] YinYang Winterwolf: Heya!♥!♥!♡
[20:24] Ding Atolia: can I ask for some help from you?
[20:24] YinYang Winterwolf: wow the music stream is gone eh?
[20:24] YinYang Winterwolf: hmm, they must have moved the .97 like it kept saying
[20:24] YinYang Winterwolf: maybe ding, I am not doing trans interviews lol
[20:25] Ding Atolia: lol, you got me
[20:25] YinYang Winterwolf: yea, another one just hit me at my house overe there not 15 minutes ago
[20:25] Laceybabe Landar: Hello everyone
[20:25] Ding Atolia: lol
[20:25] YinYang Winterwolf: Heya!♥!♥!♡ Lacy
[20:26] YinYang Winterwolf: I am not intreasnition anyways Ding,
[20:26] YinYang Winterwolf: in transition*
[20:26] YinYang Winterwolf: would not me much help for you
[20:26] Ding Atolia: oh, so you are just here to have fun?
[20:26] YinYang Winterwolf: ohh, lol I have my issues... is there a law that states we must transition?
[20:27] YinYang Winterwolf: hehe
[20:27] Laceybabe Landar: Are you transitioning Ding? (if I may ask)
[20:27] Ding Atolia: no, haha
[20:27] YinYang Winterwolf: LOL
[20:27] YinYang Winterwolf: HAHA
[20:27] YinYang Winterwolf: ti funneh
[20:27] YinYang Winterwolf: umm Lacy Ding is a "college studnet" looking to do research on the trans thing,
[20:27] Ding Atolia: i am just doing a project
[20:27] Laceybabe Landar: oh, I see
[20:28] Ding Atolia: wow
[20:28] Ding Atolia: you got me again!
[20:28] YinYang Winterwolf: I think your whole class has the same LamdMark hun
[20:28] YinYang Winterwolf: landmark
[20:29] Ding Atolia: we only have four members in the group
[20:30] Ding Atolia: so, Lacey, can I get some help from you?
[20:30] Laceybabe Landar: Well, I have a transgendered client, so I know a bit about it
[20:30] Ding Atolia: great
[20:30] Laceybabe Landar: I actually came by to see what else I can learn
[20:31] Ding Atolia: so you are an artist in SL
[20:31] Laceybabe Landar: not exactly, I am doing life coaching
[20:31] Laceybabe Landar: the title was suggested by a freind
[20:31] YinYang Winterwolf: trans coaching?
[20:31] YinYang Winterwolf: gawd knows ao many need that
[20:32] Ding Atolia: What do you mean by transgenderd client you have?
[20:32] Laceybabe Landar: not exclusivley, but I do have one, and possibly another transgendered client
[20:32] Laceybabe Landar: She is in the process of transitioning
[20:33] Laceybabe Landar: and I am working with her to guide her through the process
[20:33] Ding Atolia: OH, in SL?
[20:33] YinYang Winterwolf: nice
[20:33] Ding Atolia: COOL
[20:33] YinYang Winterwolf: title off
[20:34] Laceybabe Landar: She is transitioning in RL but modeling the change in SL
[20:34] Ding Atolia: i see
[20:34] YinYang Winterwolf: SL is cool like that
[20:34] YinYang Winterwolf: I got many new ideas for my outfits from here
[20:34] Laceybabe Landar: Yes, I have a couple of clients who are "trying out" changes before adapting them in RL
[20:35] Ding Atolia: so what kinds of difficuities do they meet in transitioning?
[20:35] YinYang Winterwolf: ohh christ
[20:35] YinYang Winterwolf laughs
[20:35] Laceybabe Landar: ? you want to take that one, YinYang?
[20:35] YinYang Winterwolf: that question is backwards hun
[20:36] YinYang Winterwolf: it should read, what do they NOT have to go through
[20:36] YinYang Winterwolf: physical, mental financial
[20:36] YinYang Winterwolf: all a burden
[20:36] YinYang Winterwolf: and then there is society
[20:36] Laceybabe Landar: Usually the biggest area is socially,
[20:36] YinYang Winterwolf: you pass?
[20:36] YinYang Winterwolf: can you pass?
[20:36] Ding Atolia: yeah, the society
[20:36] YinYang Winterwolf: that will make you or break you to start with
[20:37] Ding Atolia: then what's the situation like for trans in SL?
[20:37] YinYang Winterwolf: safe
[20:37] Ding Atolia: NO BURDEN AT ALL?
[20:37] YinYang Winterwolf: safe
[20:37] Laceybabe Landar: or the other question, is your presentation acceptable to others
[20:37] YinYang Winterwolf: true Lacey, no one like a bearded lady
[20:38] Laceybabe Landar: Yes, it is more than just declaring to the world the you are a female
[20:38] Ding Atolia: yeah, i wanna know what kinds of activities do the they have in SL?
[20:38] YinYang Winterwolf: now days they pretty much make you live for a year hair free as a woman befre they will even let you get SRS
[20:39] Laceybabe Landar: The Benjamin protocol?
[20:39] YinYang Winterwolf: not sure what its clled
[20:39] Ding Atolia: what is SRS?
[20:39] YinYang Winterwolf: surgical reassesment
[20:39] Ding Atolia: oh, i see
[20:40] YinYang Winterwolf: yea, just like it sounds
[20:40] Susie223 Chun: Hi, everyone~
[20:40] Laceybabe Landar: and for many TG women it is the be-all of their journey
[20:40] Laceybabe Landar: Hi Susie
[20:40] YinYang Winterwolf: wb sus
[20:41] Ding Atolia: so what kinds of activities do they have in SL?
[20:41] Ding Atolia: for modeling the real life?
[20:41] Ding Atolia: is there anything special?
[20:42] Laceybabe Landar: mostly just effectively playing a female avi
[20:42] YinYang Winterwolf: Well one thing I can say, there is incorrect classifications on much of it, mostly 40 year old studies by quacks in mental hosptials...for example
[20:42] Charlotte Mohegan下线了。
[20:42] YinYang Winterwolf: these old ideals say that anyone who does not want to transition, is simple a fetish sex crossdresser
[20:42] YinYang Winterwolf: I disagree having met so many that are somewhere in the middle
[20:42] Laceybabe Landar: And how would you classify it YinYang?
[20:43] YinYang Winterwolf: im getting there
[20:43] YinYang Winterwolf: ...
[20:43] Laceybabe Landar: okay
[20:44] YinYang Winterwolf: I am not in tranition, but I am not into sex fetishes lmao... I dress because I feel the woman inside of me...but she is not tearing at meh to get out like a full trans
[20:44] YinYang Winterwolf: I am someplace in the middle like millions of new one coming out now
[20:44] Laceybabe Landar: I see
[20:44] Ding Atolia: i see
[20:44] YinYang Winterwolf: if you see someone that puts on a dress but has a beard,,, and is not trans,, thats what a CD realy is
[20:45] Ding Atolia: yeah
[20:45] Susie223 Chun: I C
[20:45] YinYang Winterwolf: tha5ts not meh
[20:45] Laceybabe Landar: Do you ever harbor any desires of being fulltime?
[20:45] Ding Atolia: so may i ask that what do you think of the difference between sex and gender?
[20:45] YinYang Winterwolf: my desire is to feed that side often and even go out and party and make feiends of the like... but
[20:45] Laceybabe Landar: Sex is who you go to bed with and gender is your identity
[20:46] YinYang Winterwolf: I have no interest in going through the entire bruden of tranistion
[20:46] YinYang Winterwolf: those that do, they feel that need
[20:46] Ding Atolia: cool indentification!
[20:46] Susie223 Chun: you say it's a burden?
[20:46] YinYang Winterwolf: there are some that simply must tranistion or die
[20:46] Laceybabe Landar: What is the biggest burden that you see?
[20:46] YinYang Winterwolf: in tranton?
[20:46] Laceybabe Landar: yes
[20:46] YinYang Winterwolf: transition?
[20:47] YinYang Winterwolf: well there hair removal, life body changes from HRT, your mental cost of the changes, your friends and family often get lost in transition, do you have about 30,000 grand? or insurance that cover tranition? umm, and again,,, can you pass?
[20:47] YinYang Winterwolf: should I go on?
[20:47] Laceybabe Landar: yes
[20:47] YinYang Winterwolf: you job?
[20:47] YinYang Winterwolf: the ID?
[20:47] YinYang Winterwolf: anhything I isedd?
[20:48] Laceybabe Landar: probably not
[20:48] YinYang Winterwolf: and in the end you get SRS
[20:48] YinYang Winterwolf: so there goes your sex life?
[20:48] Laceybabe Landar: is the surgery necessary for transition and living fulltime?
[20:48] YinYang Winterwolf: suregy is nessescary so they dont cut it off themselve hun
[20:48] YinYang Winterwolf: lol
[20:49] Ding Atolia: i think it is necessary
[20:49] YinYang Winterwolf: they hate having it
[20:49] Laceybabe Landar: Why is it necessary?
[20:49] YinYang Winterwolf: because it belongs to w guy\
[20:49] YinYang Winterwolf: so your a girl now, all but this one last guy thingy?
[20:50] YinYang Winterwolf: that works for transvstites ans T-girls,, but not transitionals
[20:50] Laceybabe Landar: I see
[20:50] Ding Atolia: yeah, i agree. T-girls are different from transgender
[20:51] YinYang Winterwolf: I fyour ondering why I know so much, it is because I have been around several transchat roms for many years
[20:51] YinYang Winterwolf: I have seen it all lol
[20:51] Laceybabe Landar: So how would you label a transgendered woman who elects not to go through surgery but is otherwise quite satisfied?
[20:51] YinYang Winterwolf: meh?
[20:51] Laceybabe Landar: yes
[20:51] YinYang Winterwolf: i just did
[20:51] YinYang Winterwolf: meh
[20:51] Laceybabe Landar: interesting
[20:52] YinYang Winterwolf: I have no need for SRS
[20:52] YinYang Winterwolf: I am happy the way I am, and many call me names
[20:52] YinYang Winterwolf: like t-girl or whatever
[20:52] Laceybabe Landar: one of the things I have found in discussions with Transgendered people is that there seems to be a strong need for labeling and classification
[20:52] YinYang Winterwolf: yea..
[20:52] YinYang Winterwolf: the labeling thing
[20:52] YinYang Winterwolf: lets talk about tghat
[20:53] Laceybabe Landar: yes
[20:53] Ding Atolia: need to be recognized
[20:53] YinYang Winterwolf: in trans terms I am what we call "non-op" "non-labeling"
[20:53] YinYang Winterwolf: because I like so many new ones, as I said earlyer,, are coming out with this in the middle behavior
[20:54] YinYang Winterwolf: and there is no corrrect lable for us yet,, we are often called autogenephilliac,, which is a sexual fetish masturbation term...
[20:54] Laceybabe Landar: yes, I have heard of that
[20:54] YinYang Winterwolf: this would also suggest that you are arroused by simply feeling a womans clothing on
[20:54] YinYang Winterwolf: not a life need or feeling,, a fetish
[20:54] Laceybabe Landar: So where would you put the term "shemale"
[20:54] YinYang Winterwolf: true trans luv this lable
[20:54] YinYang Winterwolf: why?
[20:55] Laceybabe Landar: just wondering
[20:55] YinYang Winterwolf: because they have no sex drive anymore and they can use it against others they feel grab at the trans resources,,, they luv this term as it is beliitiling to anyone who has not suffered the wtrath of true trans
[20:56] YinYang Winterwolf: I have seen this argument destory a chat room in monutes
[20:56] Laceybabe Landar: I have heard that label also "true transsexual"
[20:56] YinYang Winterwolf: this is the direct result of the lack of current labeling
[20:56] YinYang Winterwolf: I am personly affended by the labeling system
[20:57] Laceybabe Landar: In my coaching practice I like to discourage any kind of labeling. It limits peoples ability to grow and change
[20:57] Ding Atolia: ok, I am running out of time, and your discussion will help me a lot, thanks, byebye
The 2nd one:
[20:12] Ding Atolia: Hello, Tiffany
[20:12] Tiffany Kohime: hi
[20:12] Ding Atolia: can you do me a favor?
[20:12] Tiffany Kohime: what?
[20:13] Ding Atolia: I'm a student
[20:13] Tiffany Kohime: ok
[20:13] Ding Atolia: and i'm doing a report about transgender, so could you offer me some information?
[20:13] Tiffany Kohime: cetainly
[20:13] Tiffany Kohime: certainly*
[20:13] Ding Atolia: thanks
[20:14] Ding Atolia: so you come here often?
[20:14] Tiffany Kohime: ussually yes
[20:14] Tiffany Kohime: not as often as I use to though
[20:14] Tiffany Kohime: use to come here just about everyday
[20:15] Ding Atolia: I see
[20:15] Ding Atolia: what kinds of activities do you often do here
[20:15] Tiffany Kohime: chat
[20:15] Ding Atolia: what kind of fun?
[20:15] Ding Atolia: with strangers or friends?
[20:15] Tiffany Kohime: well for me this is a place to hang out
[20:16] Tiffany Kohime: and talk to both friends and strangers
[20:16] Ding Atolia: ok haha
[20:16] Tiffany Kohime: alot of cool people come here
[20:16] Tiffany Kohime: I think
[20:16] Ding Atolia: yes, i met two guys yesterday
[20:17] Ding Atolia: they were cool
[20:17] Tiffany Kohime: mostly females come here though
[20:17] Ding Atolia: why?
[20:17] Tiffany Kohime: not sure
[20:17] Tiffany Kohime: just that it seems that ftm are more likely to go stealth
[20:17] Tiffany Kohime: and not look for support
[20:18] Tiffany Kohime: I'm not totally sure though
[20:18] Ding Atolia: sorry, what does "go stealth" mean?
[20:18] Tiffany Kohime: try to live as a cisman basically as much as possible
[20:19] Tiffany Kohime: I mean making it a secret that you're ts
[20:19] Ding Atolia: oh, got it
[20:19] Tiffany Kohime: but I ussually let my friends know
[20:19] Tiffany Kohime: but I don't advertise it
[20:19] Ding Atolia: yeah, i see
[20:20] Tiffany Kohime: from one point it is nice to not get harrassment, but at the same time thats alot of history to be hiding
[20:20] Tiffany Kohime: but still
[20:20] Tiffany Kohime: no reason to blurt it out to everyone
[20:20] Ding Atolia: so actually SL provides a nice platform, right
[20:20] Tiffany Kohime: as really it isn't peopel's business
[20:20] Tiffany Kohime: yea
[20:21] Tiffany Kohime: I even let people know I'm trans in my profile
[20:21] Tiffany Kohime: as I don't really care
[20:21] Ding Atolia: yeah, as long as we are enjoying ourselves, i think that's great
[20:21] Tiffany Kohime: if people know or not here
[20:21] Ding Atolia: yeah
[20:22] Tiffany Kohime: its up to the individual for what to do with that kind of information
[20:22] Tiffany Kohime: just like anything else
[20:22] Ding Atolia: so specially, what kinds of differences do you think between RL and SL
[20:22] Ding Atolia: in terms of trans culture
[20:23] Tiffany Kohime: alot more trans people on sl
[20:23] Tiffany Kohime: but for my personally experience most people seem to be cool with it in rl
[20:23] Tiffany Kohime: or at the least they don't harrass me
[20:23] Tiffany Kohime: but I've heard different stories
[20:23] Tiffany Kohime: but
[20:23] Tiffany Kohime: for me
[20:23] Ding Atolia: yes?
[20:23] Tiffany Kohime: I haven't had any real problems
[20:24] Ding Atolia: ok
[20:24] Tiffany Kohime: wether they talk behind my back or not
[20:24] Tiffany Kohime: I don't know
[20:24] Tiffany Kohime: or care
[20:25] Tiffany Kohime: or even they even know I'm trans
[20:25] Ding Atolia: yeah, let them talk
[20:25] Tiffany Kohime: basically I just try to live my life
[20:25] Ding Atolia: yeah
[20:26] Ding Atolia: so no offence, are you someone in the middle or more?
[20:26] Ding Atolia: last time i came here
[20:26] Tiffany Kohime: what do you mean?
[20:26] Tiffany Kohime: sorry
[20:26] Tiffany Kohime: I don't quite understand
[20:26] Tiffany Kohime: the question
[20:26] Ding Atolia: one guy says he likes to be dressed in girls' clothes
[20:27] Tiffany Kohime: well that depends on the person
[20:27] Ding Atolia: but he won't do the surgery in RL
[20:27] Tiffany Kohime: I indentify as female
[20:27] Tiffany Kohime: well I plan on getting surgery
[20:27] Tiffany Kohime: I ussually wear whatever I want
[20:27] Ding Atolia: oh, ok
[20:27] Ding Atolia: so it's kinda of about the inside, right?
[20:28] Tiffany Kohime: part of it yes
[20:28] Tiffany Kohime: some of it I do feel I need srs
[20:28] Tiffany Kohime: but mostly because I feel that I'm meant to have a female body
[20:28] Tiffany Kohime: it doesn't feel natural to have a male body
[20:28] Ding Atolia: yeah, cool for you to think in that way
[20:28] Tiffany Kohime: but for some tgirls that might be different
[20:29] Tiffany Kohime: or tmen
[20:29] Tiffany Kohime: I've even saw a person who identified as male, but he perfered having a vagina
[20:29] Tiffany Kohime: so
[20:30] Tiffany Kohime: there is alot of deversity I think
[20:30] Ding Atolia: yeah, true
[20:30] Tiffany Kohime: I try to be open minded
[20:30] Ding Atolia: so do you feel a lot pf pressure in RL?
[20:30] Tiffany Kohime: and I accept different people are different
[20:31] Ding Atolia: yes, i think so
[20:31] Tiffany Kohime: well i don't feel too much pressure
[20:31] Tiffany Kohime: I actually have a supportive family
[20:31] Tiffany Kohime: though
[20:31] Tiffany Kohime: when it comes to therapists
[20:31] Ding Atolia: yes?
[20:31] Tiffany Kohime: I had to go through alot of them
[20:31] Tiffany Kohime: to find some that would actually help me
[20:31] Ding Atolia: yes.
[20:31] Tiffany Kohime: as I need 2 letters to be written to get srs
[20:32] Tiffany Kohime: one from a therapist
[20:32] Ding Atolia: letters?
[20:32] Tiffany Kohime: and one from a person with a md
[20:32] Tiffany Kohime: or phd
[20:32] Ding Atolia: why?
[20:32] Tiffany Kohime: letters says that I should get the surgery
[20:32] Tiffany Kohime: to make sure people don't make mistakes with this
[20:32] Tiffany Kohime: because this is something that is irreversable
[20:32] Ding Atolia: just any person who has a md?
[20:32] Ding Atolia: or phd?
[20:33] Tiffany Kohime: no
[20:33] Tiffany Kohime: they have to be in the field of mental health
[20:33] Tiffany Kohime: I think
[20:33] Ding Atolia: oh, i see
[20:33] Tiffany Kohime: or at least a medical docter
[20:33] Tiffany Kohime: but it probably varies
[20:33] Ashley Lynch: type type type type
[20:33] Tiffany Kohime: from whatever the surgeon/hospital expects
[20:33] Ding Atolia: i see
[20:33] Ding Atolia: Hello, Ashley
[20:33] Tiffany Kohime: but srs isn't just something they will give a person
[20:34] Ashley Lynch: hiya
[20:34] Tiffany Kohime: ashley is a post op mtf
[20:34] Tiffany Kohime: as she has had srs
[20:34] Tiffany Kohime: ding is a student asking me questions
[20:34] Ding Atolia: so you actually need a lot time before doing srs
[20:34] Ding Atolia: yeah, nice to meet you
[20:35] Ashley Lynch: I'm a lot of things including a failure
[20:35] Ashley Lynch: I'm what not to do
[20:35] Tiffany Kohime: the minium requirements are 1 year of physchotherapy, being fulltime, and on hormones
[20:35] Ashley Lynch: I am a cautionary tale in slow motion
[20:36] Tiffany Kohime: ussually it takes 4 years to complete the process though
[20:36] Ding Atolia: wow
[20:36] Ding Atolia: that's a long time
[20:36] Tiffany Kohime: but theorically one could get it in 1 year
[20:36] Tiffany Kohime: but that rarely happens in practice
[20:36] Ashley Lynch: didn't take me no 4 years
[20:36] Ding Atolia: how long did it take you
[20:36] Tiffany Kohime: I'm not talking about everyone
[20:37] Tiffany Kohime: I've only recently made any real progress in transition
[20:37] Tiffany Kohime: I've outed myself when I was 19
[20:37] Ashley Lynch: hormones in march 07, fulltime oct 07, surgery march 09
[20:37] Tiffany Kohime: I'm 23 now
[20:37] Glenna Lane下线了。
[20:38] Tiffany Kohime: I doubt I'll get srs this year
[20:38] Ding Atolia: wow
[20:38] Tiffany Kohime: but
[20:38] Tiffany Kohime: the good news is that I've broken some huge barriers
[20:38] Ding Atolia: like what?
[20:39] Ding Atolia: you mean physically
[20:39] Tiffany Kohime: finding a therapist and psychiatrist that would actually work with me
[20:39] Ashley Lynch: or you can just give up now and realize the world has no place for you
[20:39] Ashley Lynch: but I wouldn't listen to me either
[20:39] Ding Atolia: so Ashley, why are you so depressed
[20:40] Tiffany Kohime: for one she can't she her daughter
[20:40] Tiffany Kohime: I think
[20:40] Tiffany Kohime: I'm not sure if thats been worked out
[20:40] Ashley Lynch: I got a scholarship today
[20:40] Ashley Lynch: for $5000
[20:40] Ding Atolia: she cannot she her daughter?
[20:40] Ding Atolia: what does it mean?
[20:40] Ashley Lynch: I can't afford the rest
[20:40] Tiffany Kohime: well when she outed herself
[20:41] Tiffany Kohime: her wife wasn't pleased
[20:41] Tiffany Kohime: that she was ts
[20:41] Tiffany Kohime: and she decided to be a bitch
[20:41] Tiffany Kohime: and not want to give visiting rights to ash
[20:41] Ding Atolia: so she was married before
[20:41] Ding Atolia: ?
[20:41] Tiffany Kohime: yea
[20:41] Tiffany Kohime: alot of trans people are married for many years
[20:41] Ding Atolia: oh, i see
[20:41] Tiffany Kohime: before they out themselves
[20:41] Ashley Lynch: it's a lot more complicated than that
[20:41] Tiffany Kohime: actually for alot of people its a barrier
[20:42] Tiffany Kohime: well yea
[20:42] Tiffany Kohime: well I'm sure ash could give greater details
[20:42] Tiffany Kohime: than I could
[20:42] Tiffany Kohime: as I never got married
[20:42] Tiffany Kohime: I don't have children
[20:43] Tiffany Kohime: I kind of got lucky there
[20:43] Ashley Lynch: and we're all thank ful for that
[20:43] Tiffany Kohime: so
[20:43] Ding Atolia: yeah
[20:44] Ding Atolia: so Ashley, could you tell me more?
[20:44] Ashley Lynch: about waht?
[20:44] Tiffany Kohime: alot of ftm end up getting into lesbian relationships
[20:44] Tiffany Kohime: before they out themselves
[20:45] Ding Atolia: just your experiences, like the difficulties
[20:45] Ding Atolia: what do you mean
[20:46] Ashley Lynch: this is so the wrong time to get anythign objective from me
[20:46] Tiffany Kohime: I have quite a few conditions that make mental health professionals weary about me transitioning
[20:46] Ding Atolia: i thought "out themselves" means to be getting into lesbian relatinship
[20:46] Ashley Lynch: for starters I'm on the verge of alcohol poisoning, so take that into accoutn
[20:46] Tiffany Kohime: for one I'm autistic
[20:46] Tiffany Kohime: I also have ocd
[20:46] Tiffany Kohime: and a mood disorder
[20:46] Tiffany Kohime: and a few other things
[20:47] Tiffany Kohime: for trans people
[20:47] Tiffany Kohime: outing means
[20:47] Tiffany Kohime: letting people know you're trans
[20:47] Tiffany Kohime: but yea
[20:47] Ashley Lynch: "out" just means people knowing that your'e a woman
[20:47] Tiffany Kohime: it can also mean revealing you're homosexual
[20:47] Ashley Lynch: or if your'e ftm that you're a man
[20:47] Ashley Lynch: gender is not sexuality
[20:48] Ding Atolia: oh, isee
[20:48] Ding Atolia: yes
[20:48] Ding Atolia: that's what i most agree with
[20:48] Ding Atolia: we actually discussed it in class
[20:48] Ashley Lynch: you can out yourself as a woman and then out yourself as a lesbian if you want, like I did
[20:49] Ding Atolia: i'm a little confused here
[20:49] Ding Atolia: so outing youself as a woman doesn't mean you like man?
[20:50] Tiffany Kohime: no
[20:50] Tiffany Kohime: you can be transexual and homosexual
[20:50] Ding Atolia: so trans have little to do with sexuality
[20:50] Tiffany Kohime: yea
[20:50] Ashley Lynch: remember gender and seuxality are completely different
[20:51] Ding Atolia: yeah, it's easy to realize that it is a truth, but it is difficult to think in that way
[20:52] Ding Atolia: as what the society is
[20:52] Ding Atolia: may i ask which countries are you from
[20:52] Tiffany Kohime: I'm from the US
[20:53] Ding Atolia: the environment is good, i suppose
[20:53] Tiffany Kohime: lived where I am all my life
[20:53] Tiffany Kohime: same town anyway
[20:54] Ding Atolia: which state?
[20:54] Tiffany Kohime: Indiana
[20:54] Ding Atolia: oh
[20:54] Tiffany Kohime: quite pretty out this time of year
[20:54] Tiffany Kohime: hot though
[20:54] Ding Atolia: i have teachers from Teaxs
[20:54] Ding Atolia: and friends
[20:55] Ding Atolia: i'm a English major, haha
[20:55] Ding Atolia: and i'd like to go to US, one day
[20:55] Tiffany Kohime: has its pros and cons
[20:55] Ashley Lynch: god i'm dizzy
[20:57] Ding Atolia: what are the pros and cons?
[20:57] Ashley Lynch: of being trans?
[20:57] Tiffany Kohime: well the gltb movement is behind a little
[20:58] Ding Atolia: no, i mean of the environment
[20:58] Tiffany Kohime: in getting rights
[20:58] Tiffany Kohime: well
[20:58] Astarte Lectar: hello girls, may i join you?
[20:58] Ding Atolia: do you attend those movements?
[20:58] Tiffany Kohime: here the enviroment is very nice
[20:58] Tiffany Kohime: well ussually no
[20:58] Tiffany Kohime: but
[20:58] Tiffany Kohime: I do come here
[20:58] Ding Atolia: Hello, Astarte
[20:59] Tiffany Kohime: I don't have the resources to go to such events\
[20:59] Astarte Lectar: Hello Ding!
[20:59] Tiffany Kohime: as I don't drive
[20:59] Ding Atolia: so is there any movement like that in SL?
[20:59] Astarte Lectar: Hi tiffany....Ashley
[21:00] Tiffany Kohime: well they have a memmorial for trans people killed just for being trans
[21:00] Ding Atolia: you mean in SL?
[21:00] Astarte Lectar: I went there once...very sad
[21:00] Tiffany Kohime: yea
[21:00] Astarte Lectar: Very upsetting
[21:00] Ding Atolia: to memorize those being killed in RL?
[21:00] Tiffany Kohime: alot of great people murdered
[21:00] Tiffany Kohime: yea
[21:00] Astarte Lectar: Yes
[21:00] Ding Atolia: murdered?
[21:00] Tiffany Kohime: they were murdered
[21:00] Tiffany Kohime: for being trans
[21:01] Ding Atolia: by whom?
[21:01] Astarte Lectar: Or suicide i think too
[21:01] Tiffany Kohime: that too
[21:01] Ding Atolia: how can they do that?
[21:01] Ashley Lynch: sounds like a good idea
[21:01] Ashley Lynch: off to the bathtub with a razor I go
[21:01] Ding Atolia: don't be so sad, Ash
[21:01] Ding Atolia: there are many people in the world
[21:02] Astarte Lectar: Youre kidding ashley right?
[21:02] Ding Atolia: who understand this culture
[21:02] Ashley Lynch: depends on if I pass our from alcohol poisoning on the way
[21:02] Ding Atolia: it takes time
[21:02] Ashley Lynch: heh, I wrote this into my novel
[21:02] Astarte Lectar: Yes, youre kidding! : )
[21:02] Tiffany Kohime: things are improving though for people like us
[21:02] Ding Atolia: yes
[21:03] Ashley Lynch: girl wants to kill herself but can't do it because she's so drunk
[21:03] Tiffany Kohime: advertising your novel
[21:03] Tiffany Kohime: cheeky
[21:03] Ashley Lynch: so she pulls out a straight razor and asks someone to do it fo rher
[21:03] Ashley Lynch: it's okay, it'll never get published
[21:03] Ashley Lynch: just like I'll never go to school
[21:03] Astarte Lectar: What's is called?
[21:03] Ashley Lynch: I can accept that now
[21:04] Ashley Lynch: Underwater
[21:04] Astarte Lectar: Mmm evocative title
[21:05] Astarte Lectar: quick plot summation?
[21:05] Ding Atolia: have you ever seen the film mysterious skin?
[21:05] Ashley Lynch: there comes a time when the failures of life stop being funny and it's type to do something about it
[21:05] Ashley Lynch: yeah I have, a bit to gay for my tastes
[21:05] Astarte Lectar: No
[21:05] Ashley Lynch: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=328958936487
[21:06] Ding Atolia: we were shown uin class
[21:06] Ding Atolia: in
[21:06] Astarte Lectar: I think TG is a subject which is ready for discussion
[21:06] Ding Atolia: and have to write something about that
[21:06] Ashley Lynch: I'm reminded of the line from the Spanish Prisoner, "I put a thief in my mouth to steal my brain"
[21:06] Astarte Lectar: A very modern phenomenon
[21:06] Ashley Lynch: not really
[21:07] Ashley Lynch: Roman soldiers used to drink pregnant horse piss for the estrogen content which would feminize them
[21:07] Astarte Lectar: Well maybe not but only recently has it become technologicall y feasible.
[21:07] Astarte Lectar: I didnt know that horse piss eh? here horsey horsey!!
[21:08] Ashley Lynch: that's where premarin comes from
[21:08] Ashley Lynch: PREgnant MARe's uRINe
[21:08] Astarte Lectar: I dont want to sound gross but what about human females......you know?
[21:09] Ashley Lynch: i dunno about htat
[21:09] Jeanne Walpole: Hey all
[21:09] Ashley Lynch: someone put me out of my misery
[21:09] Astarte Lectar: hi Jeanne!
[21:09] Astarte Lectar: Ok... need a laugh?
[21:09] Tiffany Kohime: do you enjoy being a drama queen?
[21:10] Ashley Lynch: all I know is this drunk thing isn't working out like i hoped
[21:11] Jeanne Walpole: What is being talked about?
[21:11] Ding Atolia: sorry, I'd like to ask one question?
[21:11] Astarte Lectar: booze is a depressant you need some weed
[21:11] Ding Atolia: do you think SL is a shelter or a way to work out for reality?
[21:11] Astarte Lectar: Both
[21:11] Jeanne Walpole: Defs both
[21:12] Astarte Lectar: I love being female in SL it helps me deal with not being female in RL
[21:12] Tiffany Kohime: it can do both
[21:12] Astarte Lectar: It really is a Second Life for me
[21:12] Jeanne Walpole: It's also nice that this actual gathering place for T people exists in SL -- if there's a similar place in RL I don't know about it
[21:13] Jeanne Walpole: I didn't get the memo
[21:13] Tiffany Kohime: it can prepare you for the rl
[21:13] Astarte Lectar: yes lots of info and sharing of feelings etc
[21:13] Tiffany Kohime: sl is a really nice place to meet friends
[21:13] Astarte Lectar: Yes
[20:23] Ding Atolia: Hello, Sophia
[20:23] Ding Atolia: Hello, Yinyang
[20:24] YinYang Winterwolf: Heya!♥!♥!♡
[20:24] Ding Atolia: can I ask for some help from you?
[20:24] YinYang Winterwolf: wow the music stream is gone eh?
[20:24] YinYang Winterwolf: hmm, they must have moved the .97 like it kept saying
[20:24] YinYang Winterwolf: maybe ding, I am not doing trans interviews lol
[20:25] Ding Atolia: lol, you got me
[20:25] YinYang Winterwolf: yea, another one just hit me at my house overe there not 15 minutes ago
[20:25] Laceybabe Landar: Hello everyone
[20:25] Ding Atolia: lol
[20:25] YinYang Winterwolf: Heya!♥!♥!♡ Lacy
[20:26] YinYang Winterwolf: I am not intreasnition anyways Ding,
[20:26] YinYang Winterwolf: in transition*
[20:26] YinYang Winterwolf: would not me much help for you
[20:26] Ding Atolia: oh, so you are just here to have fun?
[20:26] YinYang Winterwolf: ohh, lol I have my issues... is there a law that states we must transition?
[20:27] YinYang Winterwolf: hehe
[20:27] Laceybabe Landar: Are you transitioning Ding? (if I may ask)
[20:27] Ding Atolia: no, haha
[20:27] YinYang Winterwolf: LOL
[20:27] YinYang Winterwolf: HAHA
[20:27] YinYang Winterwolf: ti funneh
[20:27] YinYang Winterwolf: umm Lacy Ding is a "college studnet" looking to do research on the trans thing,
[20:27] Ding Atolia: i am just doing a project
[20:27] Laceybabe Landar: oh, I see
[20:28] Ding Atolia: wow
[20:28] Ding Atolia: you got me again!
[20:28] YinYang Winterwolf: I think your whole class has the same LamdMark hun
[20:28] YinYang Winterwolf: landmark
[20:29] Ding Atolia: we only have four members in the group
[20:30] Ding Atolia: so, Lacey, can I get some help from you?
[20:30] Laceybabe Landar: Well, I have a transgendered client, so I know a bit about it
[20:30] Ding Atolia: great
[20:30] Laceybabe Landar: I actually came by to see what else I can learn
[20:31] Ding Atolia: so you are an artist in SL
[20:31] Laceybabe Landar: not exactly, I am doing life coaching
[20:31] Laceybabe Landar: the title was suggested by a freind
[20:31] YinYang Winterwolf: trans coaching?
[20:31] YinYang Winterwolf: gawd knows ao many need that
[20:32] Ding Atolia: What do you mean by transgenderd client you have?
[20:32] Laceybabe Landar: not exclusivley, but I do have one, and possibly another transgendered client
[20:32] Laceybabe Landar: She is in the process of transitioning
[20:33] Laceybabe Landar: and I am working with her to guide her through the process
[20:33] Ding Atolia: OH, in SL?
[20:33] YinYang Winterwolf: nice
[20:33] Ding Atolia: COOL
[20:33] YinYang Winterwolf: title off
[20:34] Laceybabe Landar: She is transitioning in RL but modeling the change in SL
[20:34] Ding Atolia: i see
[20:34] YinYang Winterwolf: SL is cool like that
[20:34] YinYang Winterwolf: I got many new ideas for my outfits from here
[20:34] Laceybabe Landar: Yes, I have a couple of clients who are "trying out" changes before adapting them in RL
[20:35] Ding Atolia: so what kinds of difficuities do they meet in transitioning?
[20:35] YinYang Winterwolf: ohh christ
[20:35] YinYang Winterwolf laughs
[20:35] Laceybabe Landar: ? you want to take that one, YinYang?
[20:35] YinYang Winterwolf: that question is backwards hun
[20:36] YinYang Winterwolf: it should read, what do they NOT have to go through
[20:36] YinYang Winterwolf: physical, mental financial
[20:36] YinYang Winterwolf: all a burden
[20:36] YinYang Winterwolf: and then there is society
[20:36] Laceybabe Landar: Usually the biggest area is socially,
[20:36] YinYang Winterwolf: you pass?
[20:36] YinYang Winterwolf: can you pass?
[20:36] Ding Atolia: yeah, the society
[20:36] YinYang Winterwolf: that will make you or break you to start with
[20:37] Ding Atolia: then what's the situation like for trans in SL?
[20:37] YinYang Winterwolf: safe
[20:37] Ding Atolia: NO BURDEN AT ALL?
[20:37] YinYang Winterwolf: safe
[20:37] Laceybabe Landar: or the other question, is your presentation acceptable to others
[20:37] YinYang Winterwolf: true Lacey, no one like a bearded lady
[20:38] Laceybabe Landar: Yes, it is more than just declaring to the world the you are a female
[20:38] Ding Atolia: yeah, i wanna know what kinds of activities do the they have in SL?
[20:38] YinYang Winterwolf: now days they pretty much make you live for a year hair free as a woman befre they will even let you get SRS
[20:39] Laceybabe Landar: The Benjamin protocol?
[20:39] YinYang Winterwolf: not sure what its clled
[20:39] Ding Atolia: what is SRS?
[20:39] YinYang Winterwolf: surgical reassesment
[20:39] Ding Atolia: oh, i see
[20:40] YinYang Winterwolf: yea, just like it sounds
[20:40] Susie223 Chun: Hi, everyone~
[20:40] Laceybabe Landar: and for many TG women it is the be-all of their journey
[20:40] Laceybabe Landar: Hi Susie
[20:40] YinYang Winterwolf: wb sus
[20:41] Ding Atolia: so what kinds of activities do they have in SL?
[20:41] Ding Atolia: for modeling the real life?
[20:41] Ding Atolia: is there anything special?
[20:42] Laceybabe Landar: mostly just effectively playing a female avi
[20:42] YinYang Winterwolf: Well one thing I can say, there is incorrect classifications on much of it, mostly 40 year old studies by quacks in mental hosptials...for example
[20:42] Charlotte Mohegan下线了。
[20:42] YinYang Winterwolf: these old ideals say that anyone who does not want to transition, is simple a fetish sex crossdresser
[20:42] YinYang Winterwolf: I disagree having met so many that are somewhere in the middle
[20:42] Laceybabe Landar: And how would you classify it YinYang?
[20:43] YinYang Winterwolf: im getting there
[20:43] YinYang Winterwolf: ...
[20:43] Laceybabe Landar: okay
[20:44] YinYang Winterwolf: I am not in tranition, but I am not into sex fetishes lmao... I dress because I feel the woman inside of me...but she is not tearing at meh to get out like a full trans
[20:44] YinYang Winterwolf: I am someplace in the middle like millions of new one coming out now
[20:44] Laceybabe Landar: I see
[20:44] Ding Atolia: i see
[20:44] YinYang Winterwolf: if you see someone that puts on a dress but has a beard,,, and is not trans,, thats what a CD realy is
[20:45] Ding Atolia: yeah
[20:45] Susie223 Chun: I C
[20:45] YinYang Winterwolf: tha5ts not meh
[20:45] Laceybabe Landar: Do you ever harbor any desires of being fulltime?
[20:45] Ding Atolia: so may i ask that what do you think of the difference between sex and gender?
[20:45] YinYang Winterwolf: my desire is to feed that side often and even go out and party and make feiends of the like... but
[20:45] Laceybabe Landar: Sex is who you go to bed with and gender is your identity
[20:46] YinYang Winterwolf: I have no interest in going through the entire bruden of tranistion
[20:46] YinYang Winterwolf: those that do, they feel that need
[20:46] Ding Atolia: cool indentification!
[20:46] Susie223 Chun: you say it's a burden?
[20:46] YinYang Winterwolf: there are some that simply must tranistion or die
[20:46] Laceybabe Landar: What is the biggest burden that you see?
[20:46] YinYang Winterwolf: in tranton?
[20:46] Laceybabe Landar: yes
[20:46] YinYang Winterwolf: transition?
[20:47] YinYang Winterwolf: well there hair removal, life body changes from HRT, your mental cost of the changes, your friends and family often get lost in transition, do you have about 30,000 grand? or insurance that cover tranition? umm, and again,,, can you pass?
[20:47] YinYang Winterwolf: should I go on?
[20:47] Laceybabe Landar: yes
[20:47] YinYang Winterwolf: you job?
[20:47] YinYang Winterwolf: the ID?
[20:47] YinYang Winterwolf: anhything I isedd?
[20:48] Laceybabe Landar: probably not
[20:48] YinYang Winterwolf: and in the end you get SRS
[20:48] YinYang Winterwolf: so there goes your sex life?
[20:48] Laceybabe Landar: is the surgery necessary for transition and living fulltime?
[20:48] YinYang Winterwolf: suregy is nessescary so they dont cut it off themselve hun
[20:48] YinYang Winterwolf: lol
[20:49] Ding Atolia: i think it is necessary
[20:49] YinYang Winterwolf: they hate having it
[20:49] Laceybabe Landar: Why is it necessary?
[20:49] YinYang Winterwolf: because it belongs to w guy\
[20:49] YinYang Winterwolf: so your a girl now, all but this one last guy thingy?
[20:50] YinYang Winterwolf: that works for transvstites ans T-girls,, but not transitionals
[20:50] Laceybabe Landar: I see
[20:50] Ding Atolia: yeah, i agree. T-girls are different from transgender
[20:51] YinYang Winterwolf: I fyour ondering why I know so much, it is because I have been around several transchat roms for many years
[20:51] YinYang Winterwolf: I have seen it all lol
[20:51] Laceybabe Landar: So how would you label a transgendered woman who elects not to go through surgery but is otherwise quite satisfied?
[20:51] YinYang Winterwolf: meh?
[20:51] Laceybabe Landar: yes
[20:51] YinYang Winterwolf: i just did
[20:51] YinYang Winterwolf: meh
[20:51] Laceybabe Landar: interesting
[20:52] YinYang Winterwolf: I have no need for SRS
[20:52] YinYang Winterwolf: I am happy the way I am, and many call me names
[20:52] YinYang Winterwolf: like t-girl or whatever
[20:52] Laceybabe Landar: one of the things I have found in discussions with Transgendered people is that there seems to be a strong need for labeling and classification
[20:52] YinYang Winterwolf: yea..
[20:52] YinYang Winterwolf: the labeling thing
[20:52] YinYang Winterwolf: lets talk about tghat
[20:53] Laceybabe Landar: yes
[20:53] Ding Atolia: need to be recognized
[20:53] YinYang Winterwolf: in trans terms I am what we call "non-op" "non-labeling"
[20:53] YinYang Winterwolf: because I like so many new ones, as I said earlyer,, are coming out with this in the middle behavior
[20:54] YinYang Winterwolf: and there is no corrrect lable for us yet,, we are often called autogenephilliac,, which is a sexual fetish masturbation term...
[20:54] Laceybabe Landar: yes, I have heard of that
[20:54] YinYang Winterwolf: this would also suggest that you are arroused by simply feeling a womans clothing on
[20:54] YinYang Winterwolf: not a life need or feeling,, a fetish
[20:54] Laceybabe Landar: So where would you put the term "shemale"
[20:54] YinYang Winterwolf: true trans luv this lable
[20:54] YinYang Winterwolf: why?
[20:55] Laceybabe Landar: just wondering
[20:55] YinYang Winterwolf: because they have no sex drive anymore and they can use it against others they feel grab at the trans resources,,, they luv this term as it is beliitiling to anyone who has not suffered the wtrath of true trans
[20:56] YinYang Winterwolf: I have seen this argument destory a chat room in monutes
[20:56] Laceybabe Landar: I have heard that label also "true transsexual"
[20:56] YinYang Winterwolf: this is the direct result of the lack of current labeling
[20:56] YinYang Winterwolf: I am personly affended by the labeling system
[20:57] Laceybabe Landar: In my coaching practice I like to discourage any kind of labeling. It limits peoples ability to grow and change
[20:57] Ding Atolia: ok, I am running out of time, and your discussion will help me a lot, thanks, byebye
The 2nd one:
[20:12] Ding Atolia: Hello, Tiffany
[20:12] Tiffany Kohime: hi
[20:12] Ding Atolia: can you do me a favor?
[20:12] Tiffany Kohime: what?
[20:13] Ding Atolia: I'm a student
[20:13] Tiffany Kohime: ok
[20:13] Ding Atolia: and i'm doing a report about transgender, so could you offer me some information?
[20:13] Tiffany Kohime: cetainly
[20:13] Tiffany Kohime: certainly*
[20:13] Ding Atolia: thanks
[20:14] Ding Atolia: so you come here often?
[20:14] Tiffany Kohime: ussually yes
[20:14] Tiffany Kohime: not as often as I use to though
[20:14] Tiffany Kohime: use to come here just about everyday
[20:15] Ding Atolia: I see
[20:15] Ding Atolia: what kinds of activities do you often do here
[20:15] Tiffany Kohime: chat
[20:15] Ding Atolia: what kind of fun?
[20:15] Ding Atolia: with strangers or friends?
[20:15] Tiffany Kohime: well for me this is a place to hang out
[20:16] Tiffany Kohime: and talk to both friends and strangers
[20:16] Ding Atolia: ok haha
[20:16] Tiffany Kohime: alot of cool people come here
[20:16] Tiffany Kohime: I think
[20:16] Ding Atolia: yes, i met two guys yesterday
[20:17] Ding Atolia: they were cool
[20:17] Tiffany Kohime: mostly females come here though
[20:17] Ding Atolia: why?
[20:17] Tiffany Kohime: not sure
[20:17] Tiffany Kohime: just that it seems that ftm are more likely to go stealth
[20:17] Tiffany Kohime: and not look for support
[20:18] Tiffany Kohime: I'm not totally sure though
[20:18] Ding Atolia: sorry, what does "go stealth" mean?
[20:18] Tiffany Kohime: try to live as a cisman basically as much as possible
[20:19] Tiffany Kohime: I mean making it a secret that you're ts
[20:19] Ding Atolia: oh, got it
[20:19] Tiffany Kohime: but I ussually let my friends know
[20:19] Tiffany Kohime: but I don't advertise it
[20:19] Ding Atolia: yeah, i see
[20:20] Tiffany Kohime: from one point it is nice to not get harrassment, but at the same time thats alot of history to be hiding
[20:20] Tiffany Kohime: but still
[20:20] Tiffany Kohime: no reason to blurt it out to everyone
[20:20] Ding Atolia: so actually SL provides a nice platform, right
[20:20] Tiffany Kohime: as really it isn't peopel's business
[20:20] Tiffany Kohime: yea
[20:21] Tiffany Kohime: I even let people know I'm trans in my profile
[20:21] Tiffany Kohime: as I don't really care
[20:21] Ding Atolia: yeah, as long as we are enjoying ourselves, i think that's great
[20:21] Tiffany Kohime: if people know or not here
[20:21] Ding Atolia: yeah
[20:22] Tiffany Kohime: its up to the individual for what to do with that kind of information
[20:22] Tiffany Kohime: just like anything else
[20:22] Ding Atolia: so specially, what kinds of differences do you think between RL and SL
[20:22] Ding Atolia: in terms of trans culture
[20:23] Tiffany Kohime: alot more trans people on sl
[20:23] Tiffany Kohime: but for my personally experience most people seem to be cool with it in rl
[20:23] Tiffany Kohime: or at the least they don't harrass me
[20:23] Tiffany Kohime: but I've heard different stories
[20:23] Tiffany Kohime: but
[20:23] Tiffany Kohime: for me
[20:23] Ding Atolia: yes?
[20:23] Tiffany Kohime: I haven't had any real problems
[20:24] Ding Atolia: ok
[20:24] Tiffany Kohime: wether they talk behind my back or not
[20:24] Tiffany Kohime: I don't know
[20:24] Tiffany Kohime: or care
[20:25] Tiffany Kohime: or even they even know I'm trans
[20:25] Ding Atolia: yeah, let them talk
[20:25] Tiffany Kohime: basically I just try to live my life
[20:25] Ding Atolia: yeah
[20:26] Ding Atolia: so no offence, are you someone in the middle or more?
[20:26] Ding Atolia: last time i came here
[20:26] Tiffany Kohime: what do you mean?
[20:26] Tiffany Kohime: sorry
[20:26] Tiffany Kohime: I don't quite understand
[20:26] Tiffany Kohime: the question
[20:26] Ding Atolia: one guy says he likes to be dressed in girls' clothes
[20:27] Tiffany Kohime: well that depends on the person
[20:27] Ding Atolia: but he won't do the surgery in RL
[20:27] Tiffany Kohime: I indentify as female
[20:27] Tiffany Kohime: well I plan on getting surgery
[20:27] Tiffany Kohime: I ussually wear whatever I want
[20:27] Ding Atolia: oh, ok
[20:27] Ding Atolia: so it's kinda of about the inside, right?
[20:28] Tiffany Kohime: part of it yes
[20:28] Tiffany Kohime: some of it I do feel I need srs
[20:28] Tiffany Kohime: but mostly because I feel that I'm meant to have a female body
[20:28] Tiffany Kohime: it doesn't feel natural to have a male body
[20:28] Ding Atolia: yeah, cool for you to think in that way
[20:28] Tiffany Kohime: but for some tgirls that might be different
[20:29] Tiffany Kohime: or tmen
[20:29] Tiffany Kohime: I've even saw a person who identified as male, but he perfered having a vagina
[20:29] Tiffany Kohime: so
[20:30] Tiffany Kohime: there is alot of deversity I think
[20:30] Ding Atolia: yeah, true
[20:30] Tiffany Kohime: I try to be open minded
[20:30] Ding Atolia: so do you feel a lot pf pressure in RL?
[20:30] Tiffany Kohime: and I accept different people are different
[20:31] Ding Atolia: yes, i think so
[20:31] Tiffany Kohime: well i don't feel too much pressure
[20:31] Tiffany Kohime: I actually have a supportive family
[20:31] Tiffany Kohime: though
[20:31] Tiffany Kohime: when it comes to therapists
[20:31] Ding Atolia: yes?
[20:31] Tiffany Kohime: I had to go through alot of them
[20:31] Tiffany Kohime: to find some that would actually help me
[20:31] Ding Atolia: yes.
[20:31] Tiffany Kohime: as I need 2 letters to be written to get srs
[20:32] Tiffany Kohime: one from a therapist
[20:32] Ding Atolia: letters?
[20:32] Tiffany Kohime: and one from a person with a md
[20:32] Tiffany Kohime: or phd
[20:32] Ding Atolia: why?
[20:32] Tiffany Kohime: letters says that I should get the surgery
[20:32] Tiffany Kohime: to make sure people don't make mistakes with this
[20:32] Tiffany Kohime: because this is something that is irreversable
[20:32] Ding Atolia: just any person who has a md?
[20:32] Ding Atolia: or phd?
[20:33] Tiffany Kohime: no
[20:33] Tiffany Kohime: they have to be in the field of mental health
[20:33] Tiffany Kohime: I think
[20:33] Ding Atolia: oh, i see
[20:33] Tiffany Kohime: or at least a medical docter
[20:33] Tiffany Kohime: but it probably varies
[20:33] Ashley Lynch: type type type type
[20:33] Tiffany Kohime: from whatever the surgeon/hospital expects
[20:33] Ding Atolia: i see
[20:33] Ding Atolia: Hello, Ashley
[20:33] Tiffany Kohime: but srs isn't just something they will give a person
[20:34] Ashley Lynch: hiya
[20:34] Tiffany Kohime: ashley is a post op mtf
[20:34] Tiffany Kohime: as she has had srs
[20:34] Tiffany Kohime: ding is a student asking me questions
[20:34] Ding Atolia: so you actually need a lot time before doing srs
[20:34] Ding Atolia: yeah, nice to meet you
[20:35] Ashley Lynch: I'm a lot of things including a failure
[20:35] Ashley Lynch: I'm what not to do
[20:35] Tiffany Kohime: the minium requirements are 1 year of physchotherapy, being fulltime, and on hormones
[20:35] Ashley Lynch: I am a cautionary tale in slow motion
[20:36] Tiffany Kohime: ussually it takes 4 years to complete the process though
[20:36] Ding Atolia: wow
[20:36] Ding Atolia: that's a long time
[20:36] Tiffany Kohime: but theorically one could get it in 1 year
[20:36] Tiffany Kohime: but that rarely happens in practice
[20:36] Ashley Lynch: didn't take me no 4 years
[20:36] Ding Atolia: how long did it take you
[20:36] Tiffany Kohime: I'm not talking about everyone
[20:37] Tiffany Kohime: I've only recently made any real progress in transition
[20:37] Tiffany Kohime: I've outed myself when I was 19
[20:37] Ashley Lynch: hormones in march 07, fulltime oct 07, surgery march 09
[20:37] Tiffany Kohime: I'm 23 now
[20:37] Glenna Lane下线了。
[20:38] Tiffany Kohime: I doubt I'll get srs this year
[20:38] Ding Atolia: wow
[20:38] Tiffany Kohime: but
[20:38] Tiffany Kohime: the good news is that I've broken some huge barriers
[20:38] Ding Atolia: like what?
[20:39] Ding Atolia: you mean physically
[20:39] Tiffany Kohime: finding a therapist and psychiatrist that would actually work with me
[20:39] Ashley Lynch: or you can just give up now and realize the world has no place for you
[20:39] Ashley Lynch: but I wouldn't listen to me either
[20:39] Ding Atolia: so Ashley, why are you so depressed
[20:40] Tiffany Kohime: for one she can't she her daughter
[20:40] Tiffany Kohime: I think
[20:40] Tiffany Kohime: I'm not sure if thats been worked out
[20:40] Ashley Lynch: I got a scholarship today
[20:40] Ashley Lynch: for $5000
[20:40] Ding Atolia: she cannot she her daughter?
[20:40] Ding Atolia: what does it mean?
[20:40] Ashley Lynch: I can't afford the rest
[20:40] Tiffany Kohime: well when she outed herself
[20:41] Tiffany Kohime: her wife wasn't pleased
[20:41] Tiffany Kohime: that she was ts
[20:41] Tiffany Kohime: and she decided to be a bitch
[20:41] Tiffany Kohime: and not want to give visiting rights to ash
[20:41] Ding Atolia: so she was married before
[20:41] Ding Atolia: ?
[20:41] Tiffany Kohime: yea
[20:41] Tiffany Kohime: alot of trans people are married for many years
[20:41] Ding Atolia: oh, i see
[20:41] Tiffany Kohime: before they out themselves
[20:41] Ashley Lynch: it's a lot more complicated than that
[20:41] Tiffany Kohime: actually for alot of people its a barrier
[20:42] Tiffany Kohime: well yea
[20:42] Tiffany Kohime: well I'm sure ash could give greater details
[20:42] Tiffany Kohime: than I could
[20:42] Tiffany Kohime: as I never got married
[20:42] Tiffany Kohime: I don't have children
[20:43] Tiffany Kohime: I kind of got lucky there
[20:43] Ashley Lynch: and we're all thank ful for that
[20:43] Tiffany Kohime: so
[20:43] Ding Atolia: yeah
[20:44] Ding Atolia: so Ashley, could you tell me more?
[20:44] Ashley Lynch: about waht?
[20:44] Tiffany Kohime: alot of ftm end up getting into lesbian relationships
[20:44] Tiffany Kohime: before they out themselves
[20:45] Ding Atolia: just your experiences, like the difficulties
[20:45] Ding Atolia: what do you mean
[20:46] Ashley Lynch: this is so the wrong time to get anythign objective from me
[20:46] Tiffany Kohime: I have quite a few conditions that make mental health professionals weary about me transitioning
[20:46] Ding Atolia: i thought "out themselves" means to be getting into lesbian relatinship
[20:46] Ashley Lynch: for starters I'm on the verge of alcohol poisoning, so take that into accoutn
[20:46] Tiffany Kohime: for one I'm autistic
[20:46] Tiffany Kohime: I also have ocd
[20:46] Tiffany Kohime: and a mood disorder
[20:46] Tiffany Kohime: and a few other things
[20:47] Tiffany Kohime: for trans people
[20:47] Tiffany Kohime: outing means
[20:47] Tiffany Kohime: letting people know you're trans
[20:47] Tiffany Kohime: but yea
[20:47] Ashley Lynch: "out" just means people knowing that your'e a woman
[20:47] Tiffany Kohime: it can also mean revealing you're homosexual
[20:47] Ashley Lynch: or if your'e ftm that you're a man
[20:47] Ashley Lynch: gender is not sexuality
[20:48] Ding Atolia: oh, isee
[20:48] Ding Atolia: yes
[20:48] Ding Atolia: that's what i most agree with
[20:48] Ding Atolia: we actually discussed it in class
[20:48] Ashley Lynch: you can out yourself as a woman and then out yourself as a lesbian if you want, like I did
[20:49] Ding Atolia: i'm a little confused here
[20:49] Ding Atolia: so outing youself as a woman doesn't mean you like man?
[20:50] Tiffany Kohime: no
[20:50] Tiffany Kohime: you can be transexual and homosexual
[20:50] Ding Atolia: so trans have little to do with sexuality
[20:50] Tiffany Kohime: yea
[20:50] Ashley Lynch: remember gender and seuxality are completely different
[20:51] Ding Atolia: yeah, it's easy to realize that it is a truth, but it is difficult to think in that way
[20:52] Ding Atolia: as what the society is
[20:52] Ding Atolia: may i ask which countries are you from
[20:52] Tiffany Kohime: I'm from the US
[20:53] Ding Atolia: the environment is good, i suppose
[20:53] Tiffany Kohime: lived where I am all my life
[20:53] Tiffany Kohime: same town anyway
[20:54] Ding Atolia: which state?
[20:54] Tiffany Kohime: Indiana
[20:54] Ding Atolia: oh
[20:54] Tiffany Kohime: quite pretty out this time of year
[20:54] Tiffany Kohime: hot though
[20:54] Ding Atolia: i have teachers from Teaxs
[20:54] Ding Atolia: and friends
[20:55] Ding Atolia: i'm a English major, haha
[20:55] Ding Atolia: and i'd like to go to US, one day
[20:55] Tiffany Kohime: has its pros and cons
[20:55] Ashley Lynch: god i'm dizzy
[20:57] Ding Atolia: what are the pros and cons?
[20:57] Ashley Lynch: of being trans?
[20:57] Tiffany Kohime: well the gltb movement is behind a little
[20:58] Ding Atolia: no, i mean of the environment
[20:58] Tiffany Kohime: in getting rights
[20:58] Tiffany Kohime: well
[20:58] Astarte Lectar: hello girls, may i join you?
[20:58] Ding Atolia: do you attend those movements?
[20:58] Tiffany Kohime: here the enviroment is very nice
[20:58] Tiffany Kohime: well ussually no
[20:58] Tiffany Kohime: but
[20:58] Tiffany Kohime: I do come here
[20:58] Ding Atolia: Hello, Astarte
[20:59] Tiffany Kohime: I don't have the resources to go to such events\
[20:59] Astarte Lectar: Hello Ding!
[20:59] Tiffany Kohime: as I don't drive
[20:59] Ding Atolia: so is there any movement like that in SL?
[20:59] Astarte Lectar: Hi tiffany....Ashley
[21:00] Tiffany Kohime: well they have a memmorial for trans people killed just for being trans
[21:00] Ding Atolia: you mean in SL?
[21:00] Astarte Lectar: I went there once...very sad
[21:00] Tiffany Kohime: yea
[21:00] Astarte Lectar: Very upsetting
[21:00] Ding Atolia: to memorize those being killed in RL?
[21:00] Tiffany Kohime: alot of great people murdered
[21:00] Tiffany Kohime: yea
[21:00] Astarte Lectar: Yes
[21:00] Ding Atolia: murdered?
[21:00] Tiffany Kohime: they were murdered
[21:00] Tiffany Kohime: for being trans
[21:01] Ding Atolia: by whom?
[21:01] Astarte Lectar: Or suicide i think too
[21:01] Tiffany Kohime: that too
[21:01] Ding Atolia: how can they do that?
[21:01] Ashley Lynch: sounds like a good idea
[21:01] Ashley Lynch: off to the bathtub with a razor I go
[21:01] Ding Atolia: don't be so sad, Ash
[21:01] Ding Atolia: there are many people in the world
[21:02] Astarte Lectar: Youre kidding ashley right?
[21:02] Ding Atolia: who understand this culture
[21:02] Ashley Lynch: depends on if I pass our from alcohol poisoning on the way
[21:02] Ding Atolia: it takes time
[21:02] Ashley Lynch: heh, I wrote this into my novel
[21:02] Astarte Lectar: Yes, youre kidding! : )
[21:02] Tiffany Kohime: things are improving though for people like us
[21:02] Ding Atolia: yes
[21:03] Ashley Lynch: girl wants to kill herself but can't do it because she's so drunk
[21:03] Tiffany Kohime: advertising your novel
[21:03] Tiffany Kohime: cheeky
[21:03] Ashley Lynch: so she pulls out a straight razor and asks someone to do it fo rher
[21:03] Ashley Lynch: it's okay, it'll never get published
[21:03] Ashley Lynch: just like I'll never go to school
[21:03] Astarte Lectar: What's is called?
[21:03] Ashley Lynch: I can accept that now
[21:04] Ashley Lynch: Underwater
[21:04] Astarte Lectar: Mmm evocative title
[21:05] Astarte Lectar: quick plot summation?
[21:05] Ding Atolia: have you ever seen the film mysterious skin?
[21:05] Ashley Lynch: there comes a time when the failures of life stop being funny and it's type to do something about it
[21:05] Ashley Lynch: yeah I have, a bit to gay for my tastes
[21:05] Astarte Lectar: No
[21:05] Ashley Lynch: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=328958936487
[21:06] Ding Atolia: we were shown uin class
[21:06] Ding Atolia: in
[21:06] Astarte Lectar: I think TG is a subject which is ready for discussion
[21:06] Ding Atolia: and have to write something about that
[21:06] Ashley Lynch: I'm reminded of the line from the Spanish Prisoner, "I put a thief in my mouth to steal my brain"
[21:06] Astarte Lectar: A very modern phenomenon
[21:06] Ashley Lynch: not really
[21:07] Ashley Lynch: Roman soldiers used to drink pregnant horse piss for the estrogen content which would feminize them
[21:07] Astarte Lectar: Well maybe not but only recently has it become technologicall y feasible.
[21:07] Astarte Lectar: I didnt know that horse piss eh? here horsey horsey!!
[21:08] Ashley Lynch: that's where premarin comes from
[21:08] Ashley Lynch: PREgnant MARe's uRINe
[21:08] Astarte Lectar: I dont want to sound gross but what about human females......you know?
[21:09] Ashley Lynch: i dunno about htat
[21:09] Jeanne Walpole: Hey all
[21:09] Ashley Lynch: someone put me out of my misery
[21:09] Astarte Lectar: hi Jeanne!
[21:09] Astarte Lectar: Ok... need a laugh?
[21:09] Tiffany Kohime: do you enjoy being a drama queen?
[21:10] Ashley Lynch: all I know is this drunk thing isn't working out like i hoped
[21:11] Jeanne Walpole: What is being talked about?
[21:11] Ding Atolia: sorry, I'd like to ask one question?
[21:11] Astarte Lectar: booze is a depressant you need some weed
[21:11] Ding Atolia: do you think SL is a shelter or a way to work out for reality?
[21:11] Astarte Lectar: Both
[21:11] Jeanne Walpole: Defs both
[21:12] Astarte Lectar: I love being female in SL it helps me deal with not being female in RL
[21:12] Tiffany Kohime: it can do both
[21:12] Astarte Lectar: It really is a Second Life for me
[21:12] Jeanne Walpole: It's also nice that this actual gathering place for T people exists in SL -- if there's a similar place in RL I don't know about it
[21:13] Jeanne Walpole: I didn't get the memo
[21:13] Tiffany Kohime: it can prepare you for the rl
[21:13] Astarte Lectar: yes lots of info and sharing of feelings etc
[21:13] Tiffany Kohime: sl is a really nice place to meet friends
[21:13] Astarte Lectar: Yes
Final project-preparation for interview questions G3
[18:51] Mi Shinn: ruby and susie work together?
[18:51] Mi Shinn: or susie and ding?
[18:51] Aleli Damiano: 11. If you have been in a SL marriage/partnership, how long did it last? if there was more than one experience, which one lasted the most.
[18:51] Ding Atolia: you mean we four have to devide into two groups?
[18:52] Mi Shinn: yes
[18:52] Aleli Damiano: 12. Do you think that SL relationships needs the same sort of commitment like in RL?
[18:52] Mi Shinn: to go over all of the questions
[18:52] Meredith Rhosar: Do you think you can deal with both RL romance and SL romance well at the same time?
[18:52] Aleli Damiano: 13. Do you keep your relationships within the SL platform?
[18:52] Mi Shinn: the purpose is to see how these questions work
[18:52] Mi Shinn: to pracitce
[18:52] Meredith Rhosar: What is your intention to find a lover in SL?
[18:52] Judy Meiler: 3. Do people make their avatar more charming than they really are and fabricate the glorious event about them to increase the opportunities to have intimatr relationship immoral?
[18:53] Susie223 Chun: so Ding and I are in one group
[18:53] Aleli Damiano: 14. if you are marriage in RL, do you consider the relationships or sexual encounters in SL cheating on your RL partner?
[18:53] Mi Shinn: yes
[18:53] Ding Atolia: so now we can go to another place and discuss?
[18:53] Meredith Rhosar: uh...I think my questions are a bit too sharp...
[18:53] Mi Shinn: maybe we go over here
[18:53] Aleli Damiano: 15. would you consider SL relationships as a potential RL romantic encounter/partnership or even marriage?
[18:53] Object: Touched.
[18:53] Mi Shinn: hi
[18:54] Mi Shinn: ok
[18:54] Mi Shinn: susie you can ask first set of questions
[18:54] Mi Shinn: and ding you answer the questions
[18:55] Mi Shinn: you can try to imagine you are the target person
[18:55] Ding Atolia: ok...
[18:55] Susie223 Chun: so Ding will act as a transgender character?
[18:56] Mi Shinn: yes
[18:56] Ding Atolia: wow?!
[18:56] Mi Shinn: then you can change roles in the middle
[18:56] Susie223 Chun: hahaha,ok
[18:56] Mi Shinn: or the end of the first set of questions
[18:56] Jessie Passerine上线了。
[18:57] Susie223 Chun: I C
[18:57] Ding Atolia: so i should answer every specific question?
[18:57] Mi Shinn: yes
[18:57] Susie223 Chun: let's start ding
[18:57] Ding Atolia: or just go over them to see of they can work?
[18:57] Mi Shinn: try to figure out the problems of the questions
[18:57] Ding Atolia: I C
[18:58] Ding Atolia: let's start, susie
[18:58] Mi Shinn: hi
[18:58] Mi Shinn: jessie
[18:58] Jessie Passerine: a day full of trouble
[18:58] Jessie Passerine: ><]
[18:58] Mi Shinn: you can ruby team up to role play
[18:59] Jessie Passerine: ok
[18:59] Mi Shinn: one asks questions and the other answer questions to see how your questions work
[18:59] Susie223 Chun: Hi, Ding Atolia, I'm Susie from NCU in Taiwan. Do you have a little time for some questions?
[18:59] Ding Atolia: yes?
[18:59] Jessie Passerine: ok i'll find her
[18:59] Susie223 Chun: thanks
[18:59] Ding Atolia: you are welcome
[18:59] Ding Atolia: haha
[19:00] Susie223 Chun: Do you choose to be transgender out of fun or interest?
[19:00] Mi Shinn: is this good for the first question?
[19:00] Ding Atolia: maybe not
[19:00] Mi Shinn: haha
[19:00] Ding Atolia: I feel a little abrupt
[19:00] Mi Shinn: ok
[19:01] Mi Shinn: then which one might be better?
[19:01] Mi Shinn: susie?
[19:01] Mi Shinn: or ding?
[19:01] Susie223 Chun: em. I'm thinking about it
[19:01] Mi Shinn: ok
[19:01] Mi Shinn: stay put
[19:02] Ding Atolia: are you enjoying yourself here?
[19:02] Mi Shinn: I will go find jessie and ruby
[19:02] Mi Shinn: they can come over here
[19:02] Ding Atolia: to lead the interviewee to the transgender issue
[19:02] Mi Shinn: jessie
[19:02] Susie223 Chun: maybe ask about the daily life?
[19:02] Mi Shinn: youcan come over here to ding
[19:03] Susie223 Chun: ask about his or her daily activity
[19:03] Mi Shinn: Jessie
[19:03] Ding Atolia: we can bring the second subtopic up
[19:03] Mi Shinn: please follow me
[19:03] Ding Atolia: to ask the 2nd subtopic first
[19:04] Mi Shinn: let's get together with ding
[19:04] Mi Shinn: ok
[19:04] Susie223 Chun: yes
[19:04] Mi Shinn: you can keep going
[19:04] Susie223 Chun: the we can bring it to the transgender issue
[19:05] Ding Atolia: yes. maybe start with are you enjoying yourself here and what fun do you get so far.
[19:05] Susie223 Chun: yes
[19:05] Ding Atolia: so Susie, you can ask
[19:06] Susie223 Chun: so are you enjoying yourself here?
[19:06] Mi Shinn: insl?
[19:06] Susie223 Chun: yes
[19:06] Mi Shinn: where is here?
[19:06] Ding Atolia: maybe narrow the place to a transgender club
[19:06] Mi Shinn: is it the place that you are doing the interview?
[19:07] Ding Atolia: yes, we will go there
[19:07] Mi Shinn: ok
[19:07] Mi Shinn: so try again susie
[19:07] Susie223 Chun: so are you enjoying yourself in the transgerder club?
[19:08] Mi Shinn: ding?
[19:08] Ding Atolia: yes, i am enjoying myself, that's why i am here.
[19:08] Mi Shinn: susie?
[19:08] Mi Shinn: kkep going
[19:09] Susie223 Chun: can you make me some examples about what fun did you get so far?
[19:10] Ding Atolia: for example, i can wear any clothes i like
[19:10] Ding Atolia: i can...
[19:11] Susie223 Chun: ok, then what do you usually do in the club?
[19:11] Jessie Passerine: shoul we start asking each other questions, ruby?
[19:11] Ding Atolia: we will attend parties together
[19:12] Susie223 Chun: yes?
[19:12] Ding Atolia: we introduce to each other our friends
[19:12] Susie223 Chun: sounds good
[19:12] Jessie Passerine: 1. Are you a transgender in real life? If yes, what kind of transgender?
[19:12] Susie223 Chun: Apart from the activities here, do you take part in other activities with people who are not transgender?
[19:13] Ding Atolia: yes, sometimes
[19:13] Ding Atolia: and we had fun
[19:13] Susie223 Chun: like what?
[19:13] Jessie Passerine: so what kind of transgender?
[19:13] Jessie Passerine: CD? TC? OR?
[19:14] Ding Atolia: like go singing or drinking
[19:14] Ding Atolia: things like that
[19:14] Susie223 Chun: I see
[19:14] Mi Shinn: is there something special about these activities?
[19:14] Mi Shinn: drinking and singing
[19:15] Ding Atolia: because i am not a transgender, so i cannot think of those sepcial activities
[19:15] Mi Shinn: you may wish to explore deeper into the answers
[19:15] Mi Shinn: because if you don't
[19:15] Ding Atolia: but i think in real interview, these questions are workable
[19:15] Mi Shinn: then your report will be dull and boring
[19:15] Ding Atolia: ok, so we can dig further
[19:16] Mi Shinn: ok
[19:16] Mi Shinn: keep up with your good work here
[19:16] Susie223 Chun: ok
[19:16] Jessie Passerine: do you like to wear males' outfit?
[19:16] Mi Shinn: these warm-up or ice-braking questions look good
[19:16] Mi Shinn: breaking
[19:17] Mi Shinn: kkep going
[19:17] Susie223 Chun: Are you led by others to come here or by yourself?
[19:17] Object: Touched.
[19:17] Ding Atolia: actually, i was told by a friend that i can have fun here
[19:17] Ding Atolia: so i come here
[19:17] Ding Atolia: and we really have fun.
[19:18] Mi Shinn: keep running your questions
[19:18] Jessie Passerine: in real life , do you find yourself different from the "normal"people? that is to say, do you have some interests or habits that others don't have?
[19:18] Susie223 Chun: so are you a transgender in real life?
[19:18] Mi Shinn: I will look around and see how other groups are doing
[19:19] Ding Atolia: no, i am not
[19:19] Mi Shinn: how's your role-playing?
[19:19] Mi Shinn: ruby
[19:19] Ding Atolia: i am here out of fun
[19:19] Susie223 Chun: then why do you choose to be transgender in SL?
[19:19] Susie223 Chun: out of fun or interest?
[19:19] Mi Shinn: both of you can run those questions together
[19:20] Susie223 Chun: ok
[19:20] Ding Atolia: I think it is fun
[19:20] Mi Shinn: then you can get a sense of it before you go to interview people
[19:20] Ding Atolia: and i'd like to meet people out of interest
[19:20] Susie223 Chun: i see
[19:20] Mi Shinn: did you start yoour questions?
[19:20] Susie223 Chun: What do you think about the present transgender situations in SL?
[19:20] Mi Shinn: Jessie?
[19:20] Mi Shinn: Ruby?
[19:20] Jessie Passerine: here~
[19:20] Ding Atolia: in SL, the environment is really great
[19:21] Mi Shinn: you need to role play and try to find out how those questions work
[19:21] Ding Atolia: much more freedom i think'
[19:21] Jessie Passerine: yes that is what we were doing
[19:21] Mi Shinn: what you might want to ajust
[19:22] Ding Atolia: and much more activities are conducted, and they actually many people
[19:22] Susie223 Chun: yes
[19:22] Mi Shinn: imagine that you are
[19:22] Susie223 Chun: that's true
[19:22] Mi Shinn: one can play the role of TG and the other the interviewer
[19:22] Susie223 Chun: and what do you think about the present transgender situations in RL?
[19:22] Jessie Passerine: maybe the quetions would be better justified if we ask TG in sl
[19:23] Mi Shinn: then you can change roles in the middle or at the end of the first set of questions
[19:23] Ding Atolia: well, even though we claim that we have broad minds today,
[19:23] Mi Shinn: just try to explore what answers you might have
[19:23] Susie223 Chun: yes?
[19:23] Ding Atolia: i don't think people in RL have already accept transgender
[19:23] Mi Shinn: and how to dig deeper into the issues/questions
[19:23] Ding Atolia: there are all kinds of discrimination existing
[19:24] Mi Shinn: sometimes you need to know when to ask further questions to enrich your report and information
[19:24] Ding Atolia: like they will be seen or talked as monsters
[19:24] Ding Atolia: abnormal
[19:24] Susie223 Chun: you mean as a transgender, it's easier for them to got more fun in SL
[19:24] Ding Atolia: yes, right
[19:25] Jessie Passerine: I think we need to know the response of the tg instead of just imaging
[19:25] Mi Shinn: yes
[19:25] Mi Shinn: sure
[19:25] Susie223 Chun: did you meet any difficultiy in SL
[19:25] Susie223 Chun: about your gender?
[19:25] Ding Atolia: in SL?
[19:25] Ding Atolia: well, let me think
[19:25] Mi Shinn: yes
[19:26] Ding Atolia: most time i had fun here
[19:26] Mi Shinn: but some students just failed bacause of no training and preparation
[19:26] Ding Atolia: but there's some time
[19:26] Jessie Passerine: so after the role play , the questions would be justified again if we ask the tg?
[19:26] Mi Shinn: but if you feel confident
[19:26] Mi Shinn: then go ahead
[19:27] Mi Shinn: it all depend on you
[19:27] Jessie Passerine: okay
[19:27] Mi Shinn: depends*
[19:27] Ding Atolia: i will feel arkward if i am around by many people
[19:27] Susie223 Chun: yes?
[19:27] Ding Atolia: but mostly they are out of courisity to ask me why i choose to be like this
[19:27] Mi Shinn: like I just mentioned last week
[19:27] Mi Shinn: some people don't care
[19:28] Mi Shinn: other people might think it is rude
[19:28] Ding Atolia: generally, i think in SL the situation is fine
[19:28] Susie223 Chun: then what’s your reaction towards those embarrassments?
[19:28] Ding Atolia: i will be myself
[19:28] Mi Shinn: it depends on who you meet
[19:28] Ding Atolia: enjoy myself
[19:28] Susie223 Chun: you mean ignore them?
[19:28] Ding Atolia: becasue we all know that it is a virtual world
[19:29] Mi Shinn: jessie
[19:29] Jessie Passerine: yes?
[19:29] Susie223 Chun: yes
[19:29] Ding Atolia: as long as i have fun here, i don't care much
[19:29] Mi Shinn: you can go with Ruby or join susie and ding
[19:29] Ding Atolia: about those troubling things
[19:29] Jessie Passerine: i got it
[19:29] Mi Shinn: just remember to keep the transcript and write down your progress report
[19:30] Jessie Passerine: okay
[19:30] Mi Shinn: next week we will meet in the classroom
[19:30] Susie223 Chun: does your virtual role influnce your real life in a sense?
[19:30] Jessie Passerine: ic
[19:30] Mi Shinn: and your group needs to come up with a draft for yoru final project
[19:31] Ding Atolia: well
[19:31] Jessie Passerine: what should the draft be like?
[19:31] Mi Shinn: then the 17week is off because of a holiday
[19:31] Ding Atolia: i enjoy being transgender in RL
[19:31] Mi Shinn: in the 18th week all of you need to submit a poster in sl
[19:31] Susie223 Chun: I see,thanks for your timeXD
[19:31] Mi Shinn: any other question, ruby?
[19:32] Ding Atolia: sorry, i made a mistake
[19:32] Mi Shinn: just send me a transcript
[19:32] Mi Shinn: if you want to go interview people now
[19:32] Jessie Passerine: I'm wondering that , too
[19:32] Ding Atolia: i mean i enjoy being transgender in SL, but i enjoy being myself in RL
[19:32] Susie223 Chun: ok
[19:32] Ding Atolia: ok, i think that's all
[19:32] Mi Shinn: you can see example from previous students posters
[19:32] Mi Shinn: up there in the air
[19:32] Mi Shinn: do you see them?
[19:33] Charlotte Mohegan: oh ic
[19:33] Charlotte Mohegan: phoebe?
[19:34] Ruby Lysios: no~
[19:34] Mi Shinn: no
[19:34] Mi Shinn: then go ahead
[19:34] Susie223 Chun: where is it
[19:34] Ruby Lysios: i just went to the toiletXD
[19:34] Ruby Lysios: ok!
[19:34] Mi Shinn: the posters?
[19:34] Mi Shinn: up there
[19:34] Mi Shinn: follow me
[19:34] Jessie Passerine: ok~
[20:01] Mi Shinn: so just remember to post your progress report in your personal blogs
[20:01] Jessie Passerine: me too
[20:01] Mi Shinn: and conduct your interviews
[20:01] Phoebe Isenia: one is the personal questions which may have differdnt answers
[20:01] Jessie Passerine: ok~
[20:01] Ding Atolia: by when?
[20:01] Mi Shinn: next week in class show us the poster as you saw
[20:01] Susie223 Chun: ok
[20:02] Phoebe Isenia: and the other one is basic questions related to the knowledge of vampire in sl
[20:02] Mi Shinn: I showed previous students poster to you just now
[20:02] Mi Shinn: your group is done
[20:02] Phoebe Isenia: and this part we won't interview with different vampires
[20:02] Ding Atolia: but ext time we meet in class
[20:02] Mi Shinn: just finish it and come to class next week
[20:02] Ding Atolia: next
[20:02] Ding Atolia: ok
[20:02] Mi Shinn: with your drafts
[20:02] Judy Meiler: Hello, Emma!
[20:03] Mi Shinn: Judy is your group done?
[20:03] Ding Atolia: ok, so we can go to interview now
[20:03] Aleli Damiano: we have a couple of questions we would like to ask
[20:03] Mi Shinn: ok
[20:03] Aleli Damiano: refereng the questions we are working on it...
[20:03] Object: Touched.
[20:03] Mi Shinn: ok
[20:04] Aleli Damiano: I suggested that when we are interviewing ppl we should direct the questions to them in particular
[20:04] Judy Meiler: Emma, can I send you the question in Word?
[20:04] Mi Shinn: ok
[20:04] Mi Shinn: you can just post them in note
[20:04] Mi Shinn: and give it to me now
[20:04] Aleli Damiano: but my group members suggested it may be offensive, specially some particular questions
[20:04] Mi Shinn: inventory-->create--> create a note
[20:04] Glenna Lane上线了。
[18:51] Mi Shinn: or susie and ding?
[18:51] Aleli Damiano: 11. If you have been in a SL marriage/partnership, how long did it last? if there was more than one experience, which one lasted the most.
[18:51] Ding Atolia: you mean we four have to devide into two groups?
[18:52] Mi Shinn: yes
[18:52] Aleli Damiano: 12. Do you think that SL relationships needs the same sort of commitment like in RL?
[18:52] Mi Shinn: to go over all of the questions
[18:52] Meredith Rhosar: Do you think you can deal with both RL romance and SL romance well at the same time?
[18:52] Aleli Damiano: 13. Do you keep your relationships within the SL platform?
[18:52] Mi Shinn: the purpose is to see how these questions work
[18:52] Mi Shinn: to pracitce
[18:52] Meredith Rhosar: What is your intention to find a lover in SL?
[18:52] Judy Meiler: 3. Do people make their avatar more charming than they really are and fabricate the glorious event about them to increase the opportunities to have intimatr relationship immoral?
[18:53] Susie223 Chun: so Ding and I are in one group
[18:53] Aleli Damiano: 14. if you are marriage in RL, do you consider the relationships or sexual encounters in SL cheating on your RL partner?
[18:53] Mi Shinn: yes
[18:53] Ding Atolia: so now we can go to another place and discuss?
[18:53] Meredith Rhosar: uh...I think my questions are a bit too sharp...
[18:53] Mi Shinn: maybe we go over here
[18:53] Aleli Damiano: 15. would you consider SL relationships as a potential RL romantic encounter/partnership or even marriage?
[18:53] Object: Touched.
[18:53] Mi Shinn: hi
[18:54] Mi Shinn: ok
[18:54] Mi Shinn: susie you can ask first set of questions
[18:54] Mi Shinn: and ding you answer the questions
[18:55] Mi Shinn: you can try to imagine you are the target person
[18:55] Ding Atolia: ok...
[18:55] Susie223 Chun: so Ding will act as a transgender character?
[18:56] Mi Shinn: yes
[18:56] Ding Atolia: wow?!
[18:56] Mi Shinn: then you can change roles in the middle
[18:56] Susie223 Chun: hahaha,ok
[18:56] Mi Shinn: or the end of the first set of questions
[18:56] Jessie Passerine上线了。
[18:57] Susie223 Chun: I C
[18:57] Ding Atolia: so i should answer every specific question?
[18:57] Mi Shinn: yes
[18:57] Susie223 Chun: let's start ding
[18:57] Ding Atolia: or just go over them to see of they can work?
[18:57] Mi Shinn: try to figure out the problems of the questions
[18:57] Ding Atolia: I C
[18:58] Ding Atolia: let's start, susie
[18:58] Mi Shinn: hi
[18:58] Mi Shinn: jessie
[18:58] Jessie Passerine: a day full of trouble
[18:58] Jessie Passerine: ><]
[18:58] Mi Shinn: you can ruby team up to role play
[18:59] Jessie Passerine: ok
[18:59] Mi Shinn: one asks questions and the other answer questions to see how your questions work
[18:59] Susie223 Chun: Hi, Ding Atolia, I'm Susie from NCU in Taiwan. Do you have a little time for some questions?
[18:59] Ding Atolia: yes?
[18:59] Jessie Passerine: ok i'll find her
[18:59] Susie223 Chun: thanks
[18:59] Ding Atolia: you are welcome
[18:59] Ding Atolia: haha
[19:00] Susie223 Chun: Do you choose to be transgender out of fun or interest?
[19:00] Mi Shinn: is this good for the first question?
[19:00] Ding Atolia: maybe not
[19:00] Mi Shinn: haha
[19:00] Ding Atolia: I feel a little abrupt
[19:00] Mi Shinn: ok
[19:01] Mi Shinn: then which one might be better?
[19:01] Mi Shinn: susie?
[19:01] Mi Shinn: or ding?
[19:01] Susie223 Chun: em. I'm thinking about it
[19:01] Mi Shinn: ok
[19:01] Mi Shinn: stay put
[19:02] Ding Atolia: are you enjoying yourself here?
[19:02] Mi Shinn: I will go find jessie and ruby
[19:02] Mi Shinn: they can come over here
[19:02] Ding Atolia: to lead the interviewee to the transgender issue
[19:02] Mi Shinn: jessie
[19:02] Susie223 Chun: maybe ask about the daily life?
[19:02] Mi Shinn: youcan come over here to ding
[19:03] Susie223 Chun: ask about his or her daily activity
[19:03] Mi Shinn: Jessie
[19:03] Ding Atolia: we can bring the second subtopic up
[19:03] Mi Shinn: please follow me
[19:03] Ding Atolia: to ask the 2nd subtopic first
[19:04] Mi Shinn: let's get together with ding
[19:04] Mi Shinn: ok
[19:04] Susie223 Chun: yes
[19:04] Mi Shinn: you can keep going
[19:04] Susie223 Chun: the we can bring it to the transgender issue
[19:05] Ding Atolia: yes. maybe start with are you enjoying yourself here and what fun do you get so far.
[19:05] Susie223 Chun: yes
[19:05] Ding Atolia: so Susie, you can ask
[19:06] Susie223 Chun: so are you enjoying yourself here?
[19:06] Mi Shinn: insl?
[19:06] Susie223 Chun: yes
[19:06] Mi Shinn: where is here?
[19:06] Ding Atolia: maybe narrow the place to a transgender club
[19:06] Mi Shinn: is it the place that you are doing the interview?
[19:07] Ding Atolia: yes, we will go there
[19:07] Mi Shinn: ok
[19:07] Mi Shinn: so try again susie
[19:07] Susie223 Chun: so are you enjoying yourself in the transgerder club?
[19:08] Mi Shinn: ding?
[19:08] Ding Atolia: yes, i am enjoying myself, that's why i am here.
[19:08] Mi Shinn: susie?
[19:08] Mi Shinn: kkep going
[19:09] Susie223 Chun: can you make me some examples about what fun did you get so far?
[19:10] Ding Atolia: for example, i can wear any clothes i like
[19:10] Ding Atolia: i can...
[19:11] Susie223 Chun: ok, then what do you usually do in the club?
[19:11] Jessie Passerine: shoul we start asking each other questions, ruby?
[19:11] Ding Atolia: we will attend parties together
[19:12] Susie223 Chun: yes?
[19:12] Ding Atolia: we introduce to each other our friends
[19:12] Susie223 Chun: sounds good
[19:12] Jessie Passerine: 1. Are you a transgender in real life? If yes, what kind of transgender?
[19:12] Susie223 Chun: Apart from the activities here, do you take part in other activities with people who are not transgender?
[19:13] Ding Atolia: yes, sometimes
[19:13] Ding Atolia: and we had fun
[19:13] Susie223 Chun: like what?
[19:13] Jessie Passerine: so what kind of transgender?
[19:13] Jessie Passerine: CD? TC? OR?
[19:14] Ding Atolia: like go singing or drinking
[19:14] Ding Atolia: things like that
[19:14] Susie223 Chun: I see
[19:14] Mi Shinn: is there something special about these activities?
[19:14] Mi Shinn: drinking and singing
[19:15] Ding Atolia: because i am not a transgender, so i cannot think of those sepcial activities
[19:15] Mi Shinn: you may wish to explore deeper into the answers
[19:15] Mi Shinn: because if you don't
[19:15] Ding Atolia: but i think in real interview, these questions are workable
[19:15] Mi Shinn: then your report will be dull and boring
[19:15] Ding Atolia: ok, so we can dig further
[19:16] Mi Shinn: ok
[19:16] Mi Shinn: keep up with your good work here
[19:16] Susie223 Chun: ok
[19:16] Jessie Passerine: do you like to wear males' outfit?
[19:16] Mi Shinn: these warm-up or ice-braking questions look good
[19:16] Mi Shinn: breaking
[19:17] Mi Shinn: kkep going
[19:17] Susie223 Chun: Are you led by others to come here or by yourself?
[19:17] Object: Touched.
[19:17] Ding Atolia: actually, i was told by a friend that i can have fun here
[19:17] Ding Atolia: so i come here
[19:17] Ding Atolia: and we really have fun.
[19:18] Mi Shinn: keep running your questions
[19:18] Jessie Passerine: in real life , do you find yourself different from the "normal"people? that is to say, do you have some interests or habits that others don't have?
[19:18] Susie223 Chun: so are you a transgender in real life?
[19:18] Mi Shinn: I will look around and see how other groups are doing
[19:19] Ding Atolia: no, i am not
[19:19] Mi Shinn: how's your role-playing?
[19:19] Mi Shinn: ruby
[19:19] Ding Atolia: i am here out of fun
[19:19] Susie223 Chun: then why do you choose to be transgender in SL?
[19:19] Susie223 Chun: out of fun or interest?
[19:19] Mi Shinn: both of you can run those questions together
[19:20] Susie223 Chun: ok
[19:20] Ding Atolia: I think it is fun
[19:20] Mi Shinn: then you can get a sense of it before you go to interview people
[19:20] Ding Atolia: and i'd like to meet people out of interest
[19:20] Susie223 Chun: i see
[19:20] Mi Shinn: did you start yoour questions?
[19:20] Susie223 Chun: What do you think about the present transgender situations in SL?
[19:20] Mi Shinn: Jessie?
[19:20] Mi Shinn: Ruby?
[19:20] Jessie Passerine: here~
[19:20] Ding Atolia: in SL, the environment is really great
[19:21] Mi Shinn: you need to role play and try to find out how those questions work
[19:21] Ding Atolia: much more freedom i think'
[19:21] Jessie Passerine: yes that is what we were doing
[19:21] Mi Shinn: what you might want to ajust
[19:22] Ding Atolia: and much more activities are conducted, and they actually many people
[19:22] Susie223 Chun: yes
[19:22] Mi Shinn: imagine that you are
[19:22] Susie223 Chun: that's true
[19:22] Mi Shinn: one can play the role of TG and the other the interviewer
[19:22] Susie223 Chun: and what do you think about the present transgender situations in RL?
[19:22] Jessie Passerine: maybe the quetions would be better justified if we ask TG in sl
[19:23] Mi Shinn: then you can change roles in the middle or at the end of the first set of questions
[19:23] Ding Atolia: well, even though we claim that we have broad minds today,
[19:23] Mi Shinn: just try to explore what answers you might have
[19:23] Susie223 Chun: yes?
[19:23] Ding Atolia: i don't think people in RL have already accept transgender
[19:23] Mi Shinn: and how to dig deeper into the issues/questions
[19:23] Ding Atolia: there are all kinds of discrimination existing
[19:24] Mi Shinn: sometimes you need to know when to ask further questions to enrich your report and information
[19:24] Ding Atolia: like they will be seen or talked as monsters
[19:24] Ding Atolia: abnormal
[19:24] Susie223 Chun: you mean as a transgender, it's easier for them to got more fun in SL
[19:24] Ding Atolia: yes, right
[19:25] Jessie Passerine: I think we need to know the response of the tg instead of just imaging
[19:25] Mi Shinn: yes
[19:25] Mi Shinn: sure
[19:25] Susie223 Chun: did you meet any difficultiy in SL
[19:25] Susie223 Chun: about your gender?
[19:25] Ding Atolia: in SL?
[19:25] Ding Atolia: well, let me think
[19:25] Mi Shinn: yes
[19:26] Ding Atolia: most time i had fun here
[19:26] Mi Shinn: but some students just failed bacause of no training and preparation
[19:26] Ding Atolia: but there's some time
[19:26] Jessie Passerine: so after the role play , the questions would be justified again if we ask the tg?
[19:26] Mi Shinn: but if you feel confident
[19:26] Mi Shinn: then go ahead
[19:27] Mi Shinn: it all depend on you
[19:27] Jessie Passerine: okay
[19:27] Mi Shinn: depends*
[19:27] Ding Atolia: i will feel arkward if i am around by many people
[19:27] Susie223 Chun: yes?
[19:27] Ding Atolia: but mostly they are out of courisity to ask me why i choose to be like this
[19:27] Mi Shinn: like I just mentioned last week
[19:27] Mi Shinn: some people don't care
[19:28] Mi Shinn: other people might think it is rude
[19:28] Ding Atolia: generally, i think in SL the situation is fine
[19:28] Susie223 Chun: then what’s your reaction towards those embarrassments?
[19:28] Ding Atolia: i will be myself
[19:28] Mi Shinn: it depends on who you meet
[19:28] Ding Atolia: enjoy myself
[19:28] Susie223 Chun: you mean ignore them?
[19:28] Ding Atolia: becasue we all know that it is a virtual world
[19:29] Mi Shinn: jessie
[19:29] Jessie Passerine: yes?
[19:29] Susie223 Chun: yes
[19:29] Ding Atolia: as long as i have fun here, i don't care much
[19:29] Mi Shinn: you can go with Ruby or join susie and ding
[19:29] Ding Atolia: about those troubling things
[19:29] Jessie Passerine: i got it
[19:29] Mi Shinn: just remember to keep the transcript and write down your progress report
[19:30] Jessie Passerine: okay
[19:30] Mi Shinn: next week we will meet in the classroom
[19:30] Susie223 Chun: does your virtual role influnce your real life in a sense?
[19:30] Jessie Passerine: ic
[19:30] Mi Shinn: and your group needs to come up with a draft for yoru final project
[19:31] Ding Atolia: well
[19:31] Jessie Passerine: what should the draft be like?
[19:31] Mi Shinn: then the 17week is off because of a holiday
[19:31] Ding Atolia: i enjoy being transgender in RL
[19:31] Mi Shinn: in the 18th week all of you need to submit a poster in sl
[19:31] Susie223 Chun: I see,thanks for your timeXD
[19:31] Mi Shinn: any other question, ruby?
[19:32] Ding Atolia: sorry, i made a mistake
[19:32] Mi Shinn: just send me a transcript
[19:32] Mi Shinn: if you want to go interview people now
[19:32] Jessie Passerine: I'm wondering that , too
[19:32] Ding Atolia: i mean i enjoy being transgender in SL, but i enjoy being myself in RL
[19:32] Susie223 Chun: ok
[19:32] Ding Atolia: ok, i think that's all
[19:32] Mi Shinn: you can see example from previous students posters
[19:32] Mi Shinn: up there in the air
[19:32] Mi Shinn: do you see them?
[19:33] Charlotte Mohegan: oh ic
[19:33] Charlotte Mohegan: phoebe?
[19:34] Ruby Lysios: no~
[19:34] Mi Shinn: no
[19:34] Mi Shinn: then go ahead
[19:34] Susie223 Chun: where is it
[19:34] Ruby Lysios: i just went to the toiletXD
[19:34] Ruby Lysios: ok!
[19:34] Mi Shinn: the posters?
[19:34] Mi Shinn: up there
[19:34] Mi Shinn: follow me
[19:34] Jessie Passerine: ok~
[20:01] Mi Shinn: so just remember to post your progress report in your personal blogs
[20:01] Jessie Passerine: me too
[20:01] Mi Shinn: and conduct your interviews
[20:01] Phoebe Isenia: one is the personal questions which may have differdnt answers
[20:01] Jessie Passerine: ok~
[20:01] Ding Atolia: by when?
[20:01] Mi Shinn: next week in class show us the poster as you saw
[20:01] Susie223 Chun: ok
[20:02] Phoebe Isenia: and the other one is basic questions related to the knowledge of vampire in sl
[20:02] Mi Shinn: I showed previous students poster to you just now
[20:02] Mi Shinn: your group is done
[20:02] Phoebe Isenia: and this part we won't interview with different vampires
[20:02] Ding Atolia: but ext time we meet in class
[20:02] Mi Shinn: just finish it and come to class next week
[20:02] Ding Atolia: next
[20:02] Ding Atolia: ok
[20:02] Mi Shinn: with your drafts
[20:02] Judy Meiler: Hello, Emma!
[20:03] Mi Shinn: Judy is your group done?
[20:03] Ding Atolia: ok, so we can go to interview now
[20:03] Aleli Damiano: we have a couple of questions we would like to ask
[20:03] Mi Shinn: ok
[20:03] Aleli Damiano: refereng the questions we are working on it...
[20:03] Object: Touched.
[20:03] Mi Shinn: ok
[20:04] Aleli Damiano: I suggested that when we are interviewing ppl we should direct the questions to them in particular
[20:04] Judy Meiler: Emma, can I send you the question in Word?
[20:04] Mi Shinn: ok
[20:04] Mi Shinn: you can just post them in note
[20:04] Mi Shinn: and give it to me now
[20:04] Aleli Damiano: but my group members suggested it may be offensive, specially some particular questions
[20:04] Mi Shinn: inventory-->create--> create a note
[20:04] Glenna Lane上线了。
Final project-discussion to build up a topic G3
[19:17] Mi Shinn: hi
[19:17] Mi Shinn: Ruby
[19:17] Mi Shinn: and ding
[19:17] Ruby Lysios: yes
[19:17] Ding Atolia: yes
[19:17] Mi Shinn: we keep discussing
[19:17] Ding Atolia: ok
[19:17] Ruby Lysios: ok
[19:17] Mi Shinn: for example G2 will interview 4 vampires
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[19:18] Mi Shinn: and they have come up with questions
[19:18] Ding Atolia: oh
[19:18] Animation Box: Say stop in chat to stop animations
[19:18] Mi Shinn: from the movies, TV series, and novels that they have read
[19:18] Mi Shinn: they have questions
[19:18] 正在连接到世界内语音聊天...
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[19:18] Mi Shinn: meredith?
[19:19] Mi Shinn: you are lost?
[19:19] Mi Shinn: you should be in http://slurl.com/secondlife/Motru/24/12/42
[19:19] 正在连接到世界内语音聊天...
[19:19] Mi Shinn: the place that we meet every two weeks
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[19:19] Mi Shinn: do you know how to get there?
[19:19] Mi Shinn: hi Ruby and ding
[19:20] Ding Atolia: yes
[19:20] Mi Shinn: you keep typing
[19:20] Ding Atolia: ok
[19:20] Mi Shinn: you need to discuss your ideas
[19:20] 正在连接到世界内语音聊天...
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[19:20] Ding Atolia: we haven't really think of any topic
[19:20] Mi Shinn: \and call susie amd Jessie to join the discussion
[19:20] Mi Shinn: Ruby?
[19:20] Ding Atolia: Jessis is here
[19:20] Ding Atolia: and Susis asks a leave
[19:21] Ruby Lysios: in the back of you
[19:21] 正在连接到世界内语音聊天...
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[19:21] Mi Shinn: I see
[19:21] Mi Shinn: ok
[19:21] Mi Shinn: so you are suppose to give me your topic and questions today!
[19:21] Ding Atolia: I'm now thinking of the interesting topics
[19:21] 正在连接到世界内语音聊天...
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[19:21] Mi Shinn: ok
[19:22] Ding Atolia: how about transgender, Ruby and Jessie?
[19:22] Jessie Passerine: cool~
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[19:22] Ruby Lysios: i also think the issue !!
[19:22] Jessie Passerine: XD
[19:22] Ruby Lysios: interview the group in SL
[19:23] Ding Atolia: you think it's cool, but will it hard to find people to interview?
[19:23] Mi Shinn: I could not her you because my speaker is broken
[19:23] Mi Shinn: sorry jessie
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[19:23] Ruby Lysios: maybe we can try
[19:23] Jessie Passerine: ok
[19:23] Ding Atolia: can we tell from their apprarance that they are transgender?
[19:23] Ding Atolia: appearance
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[19:24] Mi Shinn: how do you find them?
[19:24] Mi Shinn: it is a question
[19:24] Jessie Passerine: in clubs maybe
[19:24] Mi Shinn: what kinds of club?
[19:24] Jessie Passerine: there are so many transgender club
[19:24] Ding Atolia: yeah, we could clubs
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[19:25] Mi Shinn: for example?
[19:25] Jessie Passerine: and I just typed in the key word Transgender in the search frame above
[19:25] Mi Shinn: what questions would you ask them?
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[19:26] Mi Shinn: what is the purposeof the study?
[19:26] Ruby Lysios: the club that transgender people might gather together to share their opinion like that
[19:26] Jessie Passerine: why do you come to the club in sl instead of reality
[19:26] Mi Shinn: how much timewill the interview take place?
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[19:26] Ding Atolia: about 45 minutes
[19:26] Jessie Passerine: several hours maybe
[19:26] Ruby Lysios: to find out if they face any problems in real life?
[19:26] Mi Shinn: you need to write an information sheet
[19:27] Ding Atolia: ok
[19:27] Mi Shinn: some people ask for it when you interview them
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[19:27] Mi Shinn: in the sheet
[19:27] Ruby Lysios: ok
[19:27] Mi Shinn: you need to specify the information that I mentioned just now
[19:28] Mi Shinn: so what is the topic?
[19:28] 正在连接到世界内语音聊天...
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[19:28] Mi Shinn: Study Information Sheet for "(Topic)"
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[19:29] Mi Shinn: We are students at NCU In Taiwan
[19:29] Mi Shinn: You are asked to participate in this study...
[19:29] 正在连接到世界内语音聊天...
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[19:29] Mi Shinn: The research procedure involves...
[19:30] 正在连接到世界内语音聊天...
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[19:30] Mi Shinn: time and questions below
[19:30] Ding Atolia: oh, ok
[19:30] Mi Shinn: so what the topic is?
[19:30] Ding Atolia: we need more efforts working on it
[19:30] Mi Shinn: we can brainstorm here
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[19:31] Mi Shinn: and in next meeting
[19:31] Ruby Lysios: i think we could think questions first and then come up a theme
[19:31] Mi Shinn: you can put them in a note and gives it to me
[19:31] Mi Shinn: yes
[19:31] Mi Shinn: inventory-->create-->create a note
[19:31] Jessie Passerine: maybe sl:a paradise for transgenders?
[19:31] Ding Atolia: ok
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[19:31] Mi Shinn: then paste information on it
[19:32] Jessie Passerine: ok
[19:32] Mi Shinn: what are the questions that define"paradise?"
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[19:32] Mi Shinn: ruby
[19:32] Jessie Passerine: just an asumption..
[19:32] Mi Shinn: you are quiet today
[19:33] Mi Shinn: ok
[19:33] Ding Atolia: I don't think the transgender people are transgenders in real life
[19:33] Mi Shinn: what is the assumption?
[19:33] 正在连接到世界内语音聊天...
[19:33] Mi Shinn: good start
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[19:33] Ding Atolia: assuming they are not transgender in real life
[19:33] Jessie Passerine: real transgender people can get more pleasure and less pressure in sl
[19:33] Ding Atolia: so why do they choose to be tansgender in SL
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[19:34] Jessie Passerine: because no one knows who they are and what is their real sex
[19:34] Mi Shinn: can we come over here?
[19:34] Ding Atolia: what fun can they get?
[19:34] Mi Shinn: now we are underground
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[19:35] Mi Shinn: keep going
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[19:35] Mi Shinn: ding
[19:35] Ding Atolia: yes
[19:35] Mi Shinn: we are under the water
[19:36] Ding Atolia: oh wait a min
[19:36] Ding Atolia: wow
[19:36] Mi Shinn: *GIGGLES* :)~~~~
[19:36] Ding Atolia: cool
[19:36] 正在连接到世界内语音聊天...
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[19:37] Mi Shinn: Ding
[19:37] Mi Shinn: keeo going
[19:37] Ding Atolia: yes?
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[19:37] Ding Atolia: ok
[19:37] Ruby Lysios: should we need to assume that people in sl are really transgender in real life?
[19:37] Ding Atolia: I think of the opposite
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[19:38] Jessie Passerine: maybe we can have both of the aspects
[19:38] Jessie Passerine: 1 those who are real transgenders in reality
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[19:39] Jessie Passerine: 2. those who are not but cross dressed in sl
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[19:39] Jessie Passerine: as for the 1st situation
[19:39] Jessie Passerine: i have the assumption mentioned above
[19:40] Ding Atolia: we try to find the differences?
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[19:40] Ding Atolia: is it too general and big that we cannot focus well?
[19:40] Jessie Passerine: maybe just find out what tansgender means in sl
[19:40] Ding Atolia: if we only focus on the 2nd one
[19:41] Mi Shinn: what does it mean in rl?
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[19:41] Ruby Lysios: people are also transgender people in reality
[19:41] Ding Atolia: we can deraw more attention on their reason for their total different choices
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[19:42] Jessie Passerine: but I think for the 2nd situation
[19:42] Jessie Passerine: most of the time
[19:42] Ding Atolia: some may just out of curiosity, others may long for such kind for a long time but have no chance to show them in real life
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[19:42] Jessie Passerine: people are just seeking fun
[19:43] Ding Atolia: then we can think of what's the fun mean?
[19:43] Ruby Lysios: yes, we can think of many choices that why they join the group...
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[19:43] Ding Atolia: fun in seeking to be the other sex
[19:44] Ding Atolia: would this be a tendency that sex is not as important as before
[19:44] Ding Atolia: ?
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[19:44] Ding Atolia: because I just think of what we talked about in Han's class
[19:44] Ruby Lysios: and in sl the boundary of gender is blurred
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[19:45] Ding Atolia: that sex and gender are totally different
[19:45] Mi Shinn: yes
[19:45] Mi Shinn: is this a topic?
[19:45] Mi Shinn: to defind paradise?
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[19:46] Mi Shinn: which one is prominant in sl?
[19:46] Jessie Passerine: well...the topic I mentioned earlier is not the final one>.<
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[19:46] Mi Shinn: ok
[19:47] Jessie Passerine: do we have to give our topic a clear title?
[19:47] Mi Shinn: yes
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[19:47] Jessie Passerine: and research it like the articles we read before?
[19:47] Mi Shinn: it will help you articulate your questions in a specific way
[19:47] Ding Atolia: how about transgender, tanslife?haha
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[19:48] Jessie Passerine: it's not so specific ...
[19:48] Ding Atolia: we may use subtitle to define
[19:48] Ruby Lysios: will sl becomes a retreat for those people we are transgender in real life???
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[19:48] Mi Shinn: what is the subtitle?
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[19:49] Ding Atolia: can we use questions as subtitles
[19:49] Mi Shinn: sure
[19:50] Ding Atolia: like Ruby's and also what fun can they get from transgender in sl? kinds like this
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[19:51] Ding Atolia: list the most important questions in our interview questions we are about to design
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[19:51] Mi Shinn: yes
[19:51] Mi Shinn: you can have some sub-topics
[19:51] Ding Atolia: and in the news body, we can expland more questions
[19:51] Mi Shinn: and each subtopics may contain a few questions
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[19:52] Ding Atolia: ok.
[19:52] Mi Shinn: remeber to put them into a note
[19:52] Ding Atolia: ok, today is the deadline
[19:52] Mi Shinn: it ia bout time
[19:52] Jessie Passerine: ok ic
[19:52] Ding Atolia: ?
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[19:52] Mi Shinn: next week you will have all the questions written up
[19:53] Mi Shinn: remember to take some group snapshots
[19:53] Ding Atolia: ok, need we send to you before
[19:53] Mi Shinn: and save the transcripts
[19:53] Ruby Lysios: so will we interview people dueing class time?
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[19:53] Mi Shinn: in order to write a PROGRESS REPORT IN YOUR BLOG
[19:17] Mi Shinn: Ruby
[19:17] Mi Shinn: and ding
[19:17] Ruby Lysios: yes
[19:17] Ding Atolia: yes
[19:17] Mi Shinn: we keep discussing
[19:17] Ding Atolia: ok
[19:17] Ruby Lysios: ok
[19:17] Mi Shinn: for example G2 will interview 4 vampires
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[19:18] Mi Shinn: and they have come up with questions
[19:18] Ding Atolia: oh
[19:18] Animation Box: Say stop in chat to stop animations
[19:18] Mi Shinn: from the movies, TV series, and novels that they have read
[19:18] Mi Shinn: they have questions
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[19:18] Mi Shinn: meredith?
[19:19] Mi Shinn: you are lost?
[19:19] Mi Shinn: you should be in http://slurl.com/secondlife/Motru/24/12/42
[19:19] 正在连接到世界内语音聊天...
[19:19] Mi Shinn: the place that we meet every two weeks
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[19:19] Mi Shinn: do you know how to get there?
[19:19] Mi Shinn: hi Ruby and ding
[19:20] Ding Atolia: yes
[19:20] Mi Shinn: you keep typing
[19:20] Ding Atolia: ok
[19:20] Mi Shinn: you need to discuss your ideas
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[19:20] Ding Atolia: we haven't really think of any topic
[19:20] Mi Shinn: \and call susie amd Jessie to join the discussion
[19:20] Mi Shinn: Ruby?
[19:20] Ding Atolia: Jessis is here
[19:20] Ding Atolia: and Susis asks a leave
[19:21] Ruby Lysios: in the back of you
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[19:21] Mi Shinn: I see
[19:21] Mi Shinn: ok
[19:21] Mi Shinn: so you are suppose to give me your topic and questions today!
[19:21] Ding Atolia: I'm now thinking of the interesting topics
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[19:21] Mi Shinn: ok
[19:22] Ding Atolia: how about transgender, Ruby and Jessie?
[19:22] Jessie Passerine: cool~
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[19:22] Ruby Lysios: i also think the issue !!
[19:22] Jessie Passerine: XD
[19:22] Ruby Lysios: interview the group in SL
[19:23] Ding Atolia: you think it's cool, but will it hard to find people to interview?
[19:23] Mi Shinn: I could not her you because my speaker is broken
[19:23] Mi Shinn: sorry jessie
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[19:23] Ruby Lysios: maybe we can try
[19:23] Jessie Passerine: ok
[19:23] Ding Atolia: can we tell from their apprarance that they are transgender?
[19:23] Ding Atolia: appearance
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[19:24] Mi Shinn: how do you find them?
[19:24] Mi Shinn: it is a question
[19:24] Jessie Passerine: in clubs maybe
[19:24] Mi Shinn: what kinds of club?
[19:24] Jessie Passerine: there are so many transgender club
[19:24] Ding Atolia: yeah, we could clubs
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[19:25] Mi Shinn: for example?
[19:25] Jessie Passerine: and I just typed in the key word Transgender in the search frame above
[19:25] Mi Shinn: what questions would you ask them?
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[19:26] Mi Shinn: what is the purposeof the study?
[19:26] Ruby Lysios: the club that transgender people might gather together to share their opinion like that
[19:26] Jessie Passerine: why do you come to the club in sl instead of reality
[19:26] Mi Shinn: how much timewill the interview take place?
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[19:26] Ding Atolia: about 45 minutes
[19:26] Jessie Passerine: several hours maybe
[19:26] Ruby Lysios: to find out if they face any problems in real life?
[19:26] Mi Shinn: you need to write an information sheet
[19:27] Ding Atolia: ok
[19:27] Mi Shinn: some people ask for it when you interview them
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[19:27] Mi Shinn: in the sheet
[19:27] Ruby Lysios: ok
[19:27] Mi Shinn: you need to specify the information that I mentioned just now
[19:28] Mi Shinn: so what is the topic?
[19:28] 正在连接到世界内语音聊天...
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[19:28] Mi Shinn: Study Information Sheet for "(Topic)"
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[19:29] Mi Shinn: We are students at NCU In Taiwan
[19:29] Mi Shinn: You are asked to participate in this study...
[19:29] 正在连接到世界内语音聊天...
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[19:29] Mi Shinn: The research procedure involves...
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[19:30] Mi Shinn: time and questions below
[19:30] Ding Atolia: oh, ok
[19:30] Mi Shinn: so what the topic is?
[19:30] Ding Atolia: we need more efforts working on it
[19:30] Mi Shinn: we can brainstorm here
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[19:31] Mi Shinn: and in next meeting
[19:31] Ruby Lysios: i think we could think questions first and then come up a theme
[19:31] Mi Shinn: you can put them in a note and gives it to me
[19:31] Mi Shinn: yes
[19:31] Mi Shinn: inventory-->create-->create a note
[19:31] Jessie Passerine: maybe sl:a paradise for transgenders?
[19:31] Ding Atolia: ok
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[19:31] Mi Shinn: then paste information on it
[19:32] Jessie Passerine: ok
[19:32] Mi Shinn: what are the questions that define"paradise?"
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[19:32] Mi Shinn: ruby
[19:32] Jessie Passerine: just an asumption..
[19:32] Mi Shinn: you are quiet today
[19:33] Mi Shinn: ok
[19:33] Ding Atolia: I don't think the transgender people are transgenders in real life
[19:33] Mi Shinn: what is the assumption?
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[19:33] Mi Shinn: good start
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[19:33] Ding Atolia: assuming they are not transgender in real life
[19:33] Jessie Passerine: real transgender people can get more pleasure and less pressure in sl
[19:33] Ding Atolia: so why do they choose to be tansgender in SL
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[19:34] Jessie Passerine: because no one knows who they are and what is their real sex
[19:34] Mi Shinn: can we come over here?
[19:34] Ding Atolia: what fun can they get?
[19:34] Mi Shinn: now we are underground
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[19:35] Mi Shinn: keep going
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[19:35] Mi Shinn: ding
[19:35] Ding Atolia: yes
[19:35] Mi Shinn: we are under the water
[19:36] Ding Atolia: oh wait a min
[19:36] Ding Atolia: wow
[19:36] Mi Shinn: *GIGGLES* :)~~~~
[19:36] Ding Atolia: cool
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[19:37] Mi Shinn: Ding
[19:37] Mi Shinn: keeo going
[19:37] Ding Atolia: yes?
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[19:37] Ding Atolia: ok
[19:37] Ruby Lysios: should we need to assume that people in sl are really transgender in real life?
[19:37] Ding Atolia: I think of the opposite
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[19:38] Jessie Passerine: maybe we can have both of the aspects
[19:38] Jessie Passerine: 1 those who are real transgenders in reality
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[19:39] Jessie Passerine: 2. those who are not but cross dressed in sl
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[19:39] Jessie Passerine: as for the 1st situation
[19:39] Jessie Passerine: i have the assumption mentioned above
[19:40] Ding Atolia: we try to find the differences?
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[19:40] Ding Atolia: is it too general and big that we cannot focus well?
[19:40] Jessie Passerine: maybe just find out what tansgender means in sl
[19:40] Ding Atolia: if we only focus on the 2nd one
[19:41] Mi Shinn: what does it mean in rl?
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[19:41] Ruby Lysios: people are also transgender people in reality
[19:41] Ding Atolia: we can deraw more attention on their reason for their total different choices
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[19:42] Jessie Passerine: but I think for the 2nd situation
[19:42] Jessie Passerine: most of the time
[19:42] Ding Atolia: some may just out of curiosity, others may long for such kind for a long time but have no chance to show them in real life
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[19:42] Jessie Passerine: people are just seeking fun
[19:43] Ding Atolia: then we can think of what's the fun mean?
[19:43] Ruby Lysios: yes, we can think of many choices that why they join the group...
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[19:43] Ding Atolia: fun in seeking to be the other sex
[19:44] Ding Atolia: would this be a tendency that sex is not as important as before
[19:44] Ding Atolia: ?
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[19:44] Ding Atolia: because I just think of what we talked about in Han's class
[19:44] Ruby Lysios: and in sl the boundary of gender is blurred
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[19:45] Ding Atolia: that sex and gender are totally different
[19:45] Mi Shinn: yes
[19:45] Mi Shinn: is this a topic?
[19:45] Mi Shinn: to defind paradise?
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[19:46] Mi Shinn: which one is prominant in sl?
[19:46] Jessie Passerine: well...the topic I mentioned earlier is not the final one>.<
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[19:46] Mi Shinn: ok
[19:47] Jessie Passerine: do we have to give our topic a clear title?
[19:47] Mi Shinn: yes
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[19:47] Jessie Passerine: and research it like the articles we read before?
[19:47] Mi Shinn: it will help you articulate your questions in a specific way
[19:47] Ding Atolia: how about transgender, tanslife?haha
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[19:48] Jessie Passerine: it's not so specific ...
[19:48] Ding Atolia: we may use subtitle to define
[19:48] Ruby Lysios: will sl becomes a retreat for those people we are transgender in real life???
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[19:48] Mi Shinn: what is the subtitle?
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[19:49] Ding Atolia: can we use questions as subtitles
[19:49] Mi Shinn: sure
[19:50] Ding Atolia: like Ruby's and also what fun can they get from transgender in sl? kinds like this
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[19:51] Ding Atolia: list the most important questions in our interview questions we are about to design
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[19:51] Mi Shinn: yes
[19:51] Mi Shinn: you can have some sub-topics
[19:51] Ding Atolia: and in the news body, we can expland more questions
[19:51] Mi Shinn: and each subtopics may contain a few questions
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[19:52] Ding Atolia: ok.
[19:52] Mi Shinn: remeber to put them into a note
[19:52] Ding Atolia: ok, today is the deadline
[19:52] Mi Shinn: it ia bout time
[19:52] Jessie Passerine: ok ic
[19:52] Ding Atolia: ?
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[19:52] Mi Shinn: next week you will have all the questions written up
[19:53] Mi Shinn: remember to take some group snapshots
[19:53] Ding Atolia: ok, need we send to you before
[19:53] Mi Shinn: and save the transcripts
[19:53] Ruby Lysios: so will we interview people dueing class time?
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[19:53] Mi Shinn: in order to write a PROGRESS REPORT IN YOUR BLOG
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